Friends and i went for Iron Man last Sunday and we had lunch just before the movie, at sum place on Gregory St. - C'est Si Bon they call it. I fckin had ROTI CANAI for lunch! How AWESOMENE is that!! ooh.. the down side tho, is i had to pay AUD15 fer a plate, which shud equal to RM45 approx.
Digest that!
Ahh, more on C'est Si Bon's roti canai and nasi lemak next time.
Right now, i'm bummed out for the fact we missed a scene from the movie Iron Man!

Twas at the blardie end of the movie, after the credits!
Damnit, i knew there was sumthing up when people were a lil hesitant to leave while the credits were still rollin!
Haiihs, anyhow, for yous who plan on watchin Iron Man, makes sure u stay glued to yur seat till the very end.
If you have, like us, missed the scene, sweat not, click on the link below for a lousy cinema copy of the scene.
You could always go for the movie again.
Spoiler Alert:
(hint*- SHIELD, Avengers, Nick Fury, Sam. L. Jac.)
xcuse me,
hey...we didn't know that! Aiyah....No wonder we observed that there were ppl lingering around the cinema refusing to leave.. Haha. Anyway, thanks for telling.. :p
msian moviegoers are mostly an impatient lot lah.... as soon as the credits start rolling, they run to the exit like there's a fire... i cant even begin to count how many times i was lingering around till the end of the credits for so many movies... sadly, sometimes the movie operators end the show once the hall is quite empty...
neways, i knew sam jackson was supposed to be in the movie... wen he didnt appear throughout the movie, and that dude said "just call us SHIELD", i knew there was bound to be smtng at the end.
tsh, hah! neither did i! well, now we know.
kav, i'm guessin u did catch that bit! haihhs, and there i was, thinkin how wrong u were about sam l jac's cameo. my bad!
oh n btw, aussies are just as impatient. we'd have caught that last scene if we weren't in their way. !@~$%#$%#$^%^
jason, that's nice of em!
OH, the earlier part of the credit, THAT i sat thru!! Black Sabbath's Iron Man! awesomeness!!!!
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