There's a new goblin in town. Yes fellas, new map, new hero. A clockwerk goblin that goes by the name Rattletrap is the latest addition to the ever expanding chain of DotA maps. So much fun and so easy to use! 1st time ever using this hero, i went on to a 11/1 killin spree, and yes nashv, we won.
The preliminary idea for a build would go sumthing like this - as for me;
- Power Threads
- Vanguard
- Battle Fury
- Radiance
- Assault Cuirass
I stress, this is only my idea of a preliminary build for him (also see-Puck), am sure he will be nerfd along the way and builds will as always, vary.Here is his story;
Rattletrap - The Clockwerk GoblinThe by-product of Goblin technological weapon research during the old War, Rattletrap the Clockwerk Goblin was shut away into storage for countless decades until the Sentinel found and reactivated him. Combat-wise, this goblin's capabilities know few bounds: his body is sticked with a huge array of armaments that destroy targets both near and far with ease. His trademark wrench can even extend itself like a grappling hook, allowing him to pick off individual targets with pin-point accuracy.
Range: 125
Move Speed: 310
Primary: STR
Str: 24 + 2.9
Agi: 13 + 1.2
Int: 17 + 1.7
Damage: 49 - 51
HP: 606
Mana: 221
HP Regen: 0.97
Mana Regen: 0.69
Attack Speed: 1.48 (+ 13% IAS)
Armor: 4.8
Here are his skills:
