"It's not u, it's me"
Ever had that line thrown at ya? No? Then how about,
"We need to talk"or maybe,
"I gonna need some space fer a bit"
If u've had those lines used on u, then it is most likely it came off a woman. Wont u agree? Call it chauvinism, call it hypocrisy but surely, if you reason, there's a certain extent of truth to it.
Its just that.
When it comes down to women and relationship, i lack the comprehension. I'd say its partly due to the fact i was from an all boys school, but mostly, the way i think of them.
So when my first girlfriend came in the picture, i was already 23. Fast fwding to just a bout 2 years later(LDR is fcked btw, workable, but fcked!) things began to crumble, and before i cud even really digest all that happend, those dreadful words came,
"i need to tell you sumthing before u hear it from anyone else" and i'm darn fckin sure the "it's not you, it's me" was slipped in sumtime after.
Yeh, that felt like crap. The thing is tho, i kinda believed it then. It must have been her fault!
As time passes, as wound heals, i started realizing stuffs, almost like an epiphany if u may and i think i know now - what meant was actually quite the contrary - It's not me, it's u!
Ah jiwangness! This is wat got me writing;
a scene from the Jerry Seinfeld
matey: mini dej vu eh? Nice SEINflefT clip!:) Chins up, it's knot the end of the wor(L)d:(
wtf thev.. you still haven't got over this shit? remember! it's not you, it's HER!
wtf man.. seriously you need to put it down. look at me, i'm a happy man even if i have to play with my own dick (LOL)
join me more to fasta pasta and you should get the crystal girl lol.
go placidly amid the noise and haste.
thx desiderata, oh n i fckin love the intended? typos..
no la ken, just watchin the seinfeld bit made me write stuff, din know it'd end up jiwangness... n no, not really hung up on mi ex
p/s: i wan the chiquita in the counter on thursdays @ woolworths!
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