Lets Go For A Drink
Takin a short break from hiatus(if that made sense) to share this rather amusin stuff i got from my email just today. Its just too darn good to not be shared.*click on image to enlargeWhat plays in the head of a typical man and woman;When askd fer a drink.
During the session.
After the session.
*Purely fer laffstt.
quite true LOL
looks like u managed to fix the html? btw, this proves that men are all about getting laid! zzz!!! just for laughs it seems!! *rolls eyes*
HOI!!! U stole!!!!! I was gonna put up the exact thing!!!! Damn!!!!
sue, shoosh, but it is eerily tru innit.
anilah, i did, turns out the comments were disabld. got it fixxd. and noe, we arent all abt gettin laid.... were just as complicated of a being.. LOLLLLX
sabrina, ahhaah..sorriesss.. i wudnt haf if i knew. but..eh go ahed n put it up la..
hahahahahaha.... women... the complicated ones... :P
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