Saturday, September 6, 2008

Thevan Is Zero!

Yes fellas, I am Zero(pronounced Jilo)!
Now, all hail The New Britainnia, or else, DIE!

That aside,

allow me to bother you with this;

Why is that, even when warned that the pot is hot, you still touch it?

Why do it when you already know its gonna hurt?

Do you have this un-conscious want to self inflict pain?

Can you say masochism?



KStan said...


Thevan said...

yeh, like wtf right!

Ninja said...

LOL!!! I know...i do that as well! I don't know if it's just our self-destructive personality or in fact macho-ism that makes us touch the hot pot :p

By the way, how is the 'smoking-thingy' coming along?

Anonymous said...

i wudnt know either. bleh.

bout the smoking thing...
obviously didnt go to well. silently hoped ppl wud foget abt it.

attempts are still goin on tho. or so i keep telin myself...



Ninja said...

Hoi! On your own blog you are 'anonymous'!!!!

Dude you have to do something la

Thevan said...

i've always thot wen signin in to make a comment, it dloads a new page. that is y wenever the internet is real slo, i opt to go 'anon' (but definitely signin off with my name).

just got it today.. it doesnt. it takes no mo effort than commentin as 'anon'.