Quittin Smokes
Hi. My name is Thevan Thiyagan. I'm a student @ JCU, Townsville. I first started smokin when i ran away from home at the age of 17+. I've been smokin ever since. As recent as 2 yrs ago, i made several attempts to quit. Nothing ever seemed to work. The attempts only grew more and more intense wit every one passin. The longest i've been w/out ciggies, i'd say about 2 weeks, tops.
Here i am today in another attempt to quit. Today is my 1st smoke free day - technically not yet a day, but yeh..BLEH.. ARGHH..Its a lil too early fer a progress report, so i'll skip that and leave u with this;
Yes fellas, i'm a fervid doodler, hardly am able to stop once i start, and that's(refer fig. above) precisely how i spent the 2nd half(15min break btween lectures) of lectures. Mostly, i doodle stuffs irrelevant, but it shudnt take that much of an observation to notice that there's a theme goin on this time around.U'd ask, what do u do usually, during breaks?I'd say, .....tt.
Somehow, looking at this post... I am pretty convinced that you are not going to make it this time...
lol... Hope I'm wrong.
Good luck, smoking really is a waste of time. My advice - get nicotine chewing gum, it really makes it easier.
hm... as of now we have managed 32 hrs smoke free!
Ken, WOOOOT, yes la!
julian, really, those chewing gum works?
yes, they really help. Half of the cigarette addiction is purely physical addiction to the nicotine, and the withdrawal from that is what causes the irritability, anxiousness, etc. The other half is the psychological habit, dealing with that one takes will-power, but the nicotine can be dealt with by nicotine gum. Chew on it and expect some relief in about five minutes.
You can get them in any pharmacy, and can buy by the strip (it's not very cheap).
I tried the nico gum back in 2004... I kept chewing it until i felt like vomiting. Yes, chewing nico gum will make you want to vomit (perhaps due to overdose of nicotine)...
I still believe quitting using the cold turkey method is the simplest and most effective. It's just YOU vs CIGGY, without the 3rd party...
BTW, it's been 41 hrs...
yeh yeh, i'll have to agree with ken. after al the reason i wanned to quit was to prove to miself that i have enuff in me to say 'no'
how many days already you stopped?
rujj, 41hrs. ken n i, we both are on this 'conquer yurself n u shall conquer the world' plan.
1.5 hrs more to 48 hrs...
We can do it Thevan!
Remember what fucker Chun Chong said:
"To defeat others first you must defeat yourself"!
So far I have not been hit by a "strong" wave of sudden urges to smoke... unlike the last time when I asked you for a stick at Uni after work.. remember?
Will keep my fingers and toes crossed that it will work this time :p
hang on there bro.. you can do it.. you can do it.. TT boleh!!
wtf... everyone is cheering for tt...
i feel so left out! :(
thx all fer the support. greatly appreciated!
and ken, i'm sure it goes w/out sayin, all that support is also aimed at the rest whos undergoin such tribulations.
Ermm....no more updates??
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