Yeh, yeh, i agree, we smokers are all talk wen it comes to the whole quittin ciggies drama, but i've had a fair share of friends and family, most prominently my grandad, who were able to shy away from indulgin to the addiction.
Its different this time. Dont ask me why or how, but i am sumhow convinced i might actually be able to restrain miself from pickin up a styk, come tomorrow. Yes i know, what happens tomorrow is uncertain but try and bring yourself to concur with me on this will ya? I have a real strong feelin that this time, i'll be able to pull thru.
You'd ask, why tomorrow, not today?
I'd say, i still have that 4 styks left on mi box!

For yous who has already quit, plannin on quittin or at least givin it a thot, write in. I'd love to hear from mi fellows.
Yes Ken, lets all board on the 'Tak Nak' chariot!
Let's do it!
i am blardie serious!
r u?
The first 3 days are the toughest. Success and failure rest on these crucial 3 days. Stay away from smoking friends and fill your life with plenty of activities (the more strenuous, the better).
Good luck. Will read about your success in 3 days time. :)
aights chief. will do that.
btw, am i right to assume u've successfully quit?
Serious. Last night I bid farewell to the last stick emotionally. Haha! No regrets this time. Will start my crazy jogging routine tonight or tomorrow night, depending on the weather.
We can do it!
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