Sunday, August 10, 2008


Are u aware of the latest scandals involving our very own Malaysian blogger Kenny Sia? No?

Well, i wasn't too. I was completely oblivious to this matter until las night, wen i stumbled upon ShadowFox's Hideout (y it's called hideout wen it's pingd on petalingst, i dont know) and came abt some real juicy bits - gossip wise.

I know its rude to intrude and poke mi nose on other ppl's business, but I am a M'sian, and a KL one at that! Can u really blame me fer bein the Keatpoh?
But then again, its the price one has to pay wen one achieves the 'celeb' status, or, when one 'romantically' acquaints oneself to a 'celeb', agree?

Okie, i'm not gonna elaborate much for the fact,

* I'm not well informed
* There's too many other blogs that gives insights.

on the aforementioned matter.

If u are intrigued, then click on, -->THIS<--
It very well might be a summary and the actuals may have been a lil downplayed but its a good place to start. Bleh. If u r left unsatiated, then go crazy googlin. Be warnd tho, its bloody crazy out there, sharp claws and fangs everywhere, be wise, stay and watch from the stands.

*more? click -->HERE<-- (must read comments)

- nosey parker, busybody


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i missed out the drama
