Just when i thot i'll ditch DotA fer abit, conveniently comes along the new version, v6.55.
This new version or more aptly, new map is simply NEW! Really, it isnt an overstatement, it is indeed new in every sense of the word! Its almost like startin all over and it should take a while to adopt, even fer an experiencd DotA warrior!
They've crazily reworked on this version. It is insane! Everything changed, the terrain, most of the recipe build and lotsa hero skills has changed. Keeper of the Light is now way more decent, if not much better. Neways, click -->here<-- to view the complete changelog. Massive innit!
New items and new heroes too. YEHHH! 2 new heroes and i playd one of them today, Kunkka, Admiral Proudmoore (named after a singaporean artist on deviantart bearing username kunkka). I must say, he is indefinitely one of the more entertainin heroes to use. Imma lovin his "X-marks the spot", skill loads atm.

Updates on new heroes soon, along with prelim item builds ;p
Gotta run now,
You know i never did understand what the whole obsession with Dota was. Hell i don't even know what Dota even is...pathetic i know.
Prob should go and Google it p to avoid being labelled as an old, unfashionable lady :p
fret not sabrina, its actually i who SHUD be ashamed for the fact i'm still hung up on dota, refusin to grow up as some wud say....
and i get bombarded a lot for still playin dota, but heck i dun fckin care..
Hey, brother. For a long time, I didn't play DoTa. Is still very famous up to this day .. :) Cool man!
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