I'm high on life. Don't ask me why? I don't know.
I got lost today on the way to the bus stop. What would have been a 10 min walk, became a 25 min one, under the blisterin, hot sun, gettin all sweaty in the process. Yet, i happily-hippidy-hopped all the way to the stop. What marveled me even more, was the fact i sat thru a lecture today, completely attentive and i think might even haf enjoyed it a lil bit. This state i'm in right this moment, doesn't come too often as i would've wanted it to. It just a random thing.
Hmm.. this endorphin shoot-up must have been triggerd by somethin, but what?
Okie, so this is my reasoning; and allow me to digress ye.
A call to a friend last night reminded me of the nice, awesome times i had in Brissy.
Had one hellufa time @ Brissy. An experience like no other. An experience so entrancing, so euphoric, that it feels like u're flyin on clouds amongst the heavenly beings. Uh, now, i know that just sounds too gay. But, ye, its impossible to put in words what it felt like. It was incredibly amazing.
Its hazy, but i remember well, how thru the night, Grants insinuated me into makin moves i'd only dream off, and i must emphasize, i'm not regrettin givin in. Nope, not one bit! If any, u should know, Grants only helped initiate my innermost desires, figuratively.
I sit here now tryin to recollect memories of those nights and i can't help but to smile and have these weird tingly feelings all over my body. Aah. I ought to stop now. If i progress, this will only turn into the gay-est post i've ever came up with.
~*flashback ends*~
Okie, so this be it. Good memories fuels a good day and being the sentimental one, this should help me get thru the year. Keepin mi finger crossed.
A note to the concernin one; I'm supa-glad of this arrangement we have. I've had no idea this will feel soo good. AWESOMENESS. Cheers to this!
gotta run,
1 comment:
Nice to hear that Thev. Keep it going! You can do it!
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