Change - Attempt 1
New Start Sessions. Its a 2, 1 hr sessions specifically designed by the Learning Advisers for students who have failed one or more of their subjects last year and wish to improve their results.
I was strongly recommended to attend these sessions as a part of my condition for re-enrollment. Why? Take a guess!
Ye, i was at my lowest last year. So many things happend last year. No. Actually, twas mo like a series of long going event spread thru-out the year that had me so depressed and discouraged. I'm fully aware its a silly lil excuse for the unsatisfactory performance, true, but then again, its just easier to blame all that procrastinating and sheer laziness on the afore-mentioned event, no?
So here it is, not so much a propagation, but more for miself. Its mi fault! I am to blame for mi actions! No mo shall i be that man i was last year.
I shall transcend!
Okie now, shyin away from this superly-hyper motivated mood, i bring you a u-tube vid clip that will melt down even the most solid of hearts.
Seriously, u'd be goin "Iychoo, ChOO CUTE laaaaaaa!!!".
gotta run, cookin time!
I know this song...a fren sent it to me a long long time ago!
been looking for it all ovr =)
ooh.. how'd i like to see u try do that cute thingy..!!!! lol
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