I can almost fckin taste them, but damnit, almost is not fckin good enuff now, issit?! Sighs. I'd die for a plate of good m'sian food on mi table everyday. Wtf, see, did i make any fckin sense there? I'm fckin losin it man. I'm losin my fckin marbles.

Oh, just fckin look at them. Fckin mouthwaterin innit? Like fckin literally. Kinda fckin excites the saliva glands doesn't it?
Fck. Fck. Fck.
For fck sake la wey, i'm goin home to fckin bread, spread with fckin peanut butter n jelly. How fckin awesomely shytty is that? Sighs.
Please do excuse the profanity. I am fckin hungry. That is all there is to it.
*To those out there missin malaysian food, havin no access to proper good malaysian food, i apologize for havin these pics up.
*To you, whose b'day's comin up, wishin you an advanced b'day wish, haf a good one.
*J, nxt time i see u, u r fixin me a plate of nasi lemak!
Fck Counter: 28
fuck yeaH!
fuck yeah! oh.n did i mention i cooked las night! kian said the food reminded him of his mom cookin. :)
but then, he dropped a bomb a while later, sayin its not bout the taste of the food... its how u cook it.. i cook fr the heart he says.. lol... aah damn..
LOL.. when u gonna let me try ur cooking?
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