If u know me better, u'd prolly know how much i hate havin showers, or a bath.
If u knew me much better, u'd know i dont shower regularly. Yeh, yeh its a disgusting thing to many, or even obnoxious, but lemme tell u, it really isn't so. Reaaally.
I'm aware u fellas may be skeptical of me sayin such, and i dont expect u fellas to understand. AND that is literally why i do my part and try to have a shower atleast once every 2 days, so please, PLEASE DO NOT gimme 'the look'. Neither do u have to stand metres away from me!
U'd ask, u do know this is no good fer yur esteem(or watever thats left of it) dont u, so why blab much?
I'd say, tru dat. Well, i'm tryin to make a point.

Its a FUCKIN HOT day! SO FCKIN warm here in mi room(nope, no ac unit) even with my windows wide open, and havin a stand fan on full blast isnt doin much help either!
U could run an oil blotting paper thru mi face, wring out the oil and use it to deep fry a whole chicken. Thats how fckin warm and stuffy it is.
Ah, then get this, i have had 3 showers already! FCKIN THREE TIMES just today! A personal record! and am still contemplating on havin anotha go....
I had 5 already today... 2 more than u and I am going to have one more since I just got back from work...
Seriously I am going to ask Lafai about a fucking A/C unit
LOL that's hilarious...
omg i didnt know you didn't like showers, but i is keepingmymouthshut *looks*
and yes, it's so friggin swelteringhot these days.
yealor! stupid town with it's stupid weather ! damn hot till die~
ken, ah still got few more months ne le. still wanna fix ac meh! but if u do anyways.. i lepak in yur room more la k!
khngyi, i dont know whats the deal with nospacebtweenwords but i is play along nevertheless.*looks back*
raenai, i knowwwwww, but u guys goin back soon dy, so grit teeth fer while mo ne la. bleh.
i is utterlydumbfound!andidontmindthespam
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