Friday, October 26, 2007

Espresso's Makes Me Go Crazy!

Ah! It's a fckin friday...AGAIN, and i haven't got a wink of sleep, PLUS i'm fckin all high on espressos. There's just somethin bout coffee dat makes me go all fckdup! Crazy Shyt!!

I'm feeling pretty much invincible right now, like... i can ftw! or anything that comes in the way of me doin so, yet, i feel like i'm tied dwn to sumthing. Hmm.. allow me to use an analogy to precisely describe wat i'm feeling right now; okie, get this, it's like a imma fckin bulldog on the leash out to get the poor lo-life postman. Ye! Xactly like dat!
Neways, it's euphoric man!!!

Be fckfacin my tutorial assignments in a bit, and i'm not quite sure if i cud make it to the class in time. I dont wanna go!!!!
i wanna just wank and fckin bum ard all day man!

Fckfce all outta fckdluck.. or, is he just fckin it all up fer himself?

-FckCounter: 11



KStan said...

Lol, very nice post IMO,

By the way, you're the dog or the postman?

Thevan said...

i'm the dog la.. iyoo.. i edited the it'd be more clear :D

Michelle said...

Fckn' A!! lol

KStan said...

Fckn Dog...

Thevan said...

ta far the comments chelle,
n ken ..watcha tryin to say eh!

Anonymous said...

no hard feelings ya

Thevan said...

ye.. i am wanker indeed... and so r u btch!! lol.. learn not to give away the 1st blood nxt time. evn if u do.. stopp puttin the blame on pop up windows.. or me !

Thevan said...

oops..sry anon.. thot twas my fren...
neways.. offemce taken

Anonymous said...

haha, it's alright!
but what does "learn not to give away the 1st blood nxt time." means?

Thevan said...

anon- its dota talk, DotA=warcraft game

Anonymous said...

-_- dota freak

Thevan said...

lol..i am indeed! mind me askin , what yer name ?

Anonymous said...

bond ... james bond ... haha
i'm sue =)

Thevan said...

hie sue. haf u got a pg of yur own? c'mon and share with us if u haf one!

Thevan said...

if u hadnt already noticed, i'm desperately needing company... of any sorts.. so share ye! :p

Anonymous said...

haha,sorry, din hav any ... i prefer to read than write =X

Thevan said...

awww...aights...k then u haf a blast of the days k.!