I've walked long and far. I'm tired. Please, tell me! Where is this bright white light i'm supposed to walk unto?
Nights in this shythole are pretty much depressin and for some reason tonight is seemingly a tad more melancholic, BUT, thanks to a quik chat with a friend whom i've unwillingly distanced from fer a while ago, i'm gonna be hitting the sack with smiles on mi face. :)
Just before that, i've allowed miself to travel back to the time when i was in my mid-teens, recalling how she has this ability to gracefully grasp complaints and rants thrown at her, rolls them out into nice balls of joy, and hits it right back at the giving end. Lol, picture that! Xcuse me, for i just finished watchin an episode of Heroes, and lol, hope that explains the panache.
Man, i've got to hand it to her. She was indeed one hecka company!, and to think i was made to 'conveniently' dis-affilliate fr her and a coupla other cool female acquaintances, sighs, such a shame. i'm real sorry that it had to happen or rather, allowed it to happen. Blinded i was. Blek.
Okie okie, i'm done here. Just felt like i needed to get this out in the open, so ye! Am glad i did!
I guess you'll either find out that you're dead at the end of the tunnel and meet God.
Better still, there will be a (or a few, depends on your lust) naked hot sexy woman, a crate of cold beer, a beach nicer than Maldives, some chef BBQing lobsters for you, and a pack of Ciggies waiting for you there.
Glad that you realised that there are so many friends out there ready to help you back to your feet. Psst, is that girl you chatted with a *potential AHEM*???
lol, i reckon the latter, anytime + i'm not ready to meet the Almighty just yet.
lol, i wish. She's just a fren. a good one at that !
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