Thursday, October 4, 2007

Nasi Lemak Oh Nasi Lemak, Di Mana Ngkau

AARrrGGggggGGHHhhgghhhHh !!!
I shud not be layan-ing this shyt now, i know .. i know.. but i can't help it, there's these tinkers workin deep inside mi head, 2 of them to be xact, makin a mess out of it! I see them! Shoo-Shoo. Go away now, leave me alone.

Never had telur mata kerbau for brekky, twas penkek's with maple sirap (typo was intended) instead. Sigh.. i'd give anything for a plate of good ol' m'sian nasi lemak with telur mata kerbau, and kasi nasi tambah mind u.



Vicky said...

"i'd give anything for a plate of good ol' m'sian nasi lemak with telur mata kerbau, and kasi nasi tambah"

Hmmm....gv anythin?u sure bout ur offer?

Thevan said...

i'd give myself fer u ...anytime man... i dun even need the nasi lemak ! .. muaahxx..


Anonymous said...

nasi bryani with papadam.....although is simple but bestnye........

NottyAngelWen said...

hhmmm... i feel hungry now... i really very long din eat nasi lemak alrdy @@ how come @@ well... cuz i cook everyday, just eating the vege-soup... >"<

Thevan said...

lol.. yuan !! i know i know!!!

jia wen.... only 1ringit plus onie le 1 bungkus ...sob sob.. iyoo really mis nasi lemak la..seriously

NottyAngelWen said...

thev i know that!! i miss the nasi lemak too!! u know wat... i never had a good lunch or dinner since i came to this fucking place >"< tomolo i will going back to kelantan~~ cuz of raya~~ wow~~ im so excited now... i wanna go to eat nasi lemak??

p/s: u wan me courier u the nasi lemak?? lol~~!!!