Saturday, November 8, 2008

It Rained

And heavily at that, on tvl standards.

My shoes are soakin in rain water but i dont care.
It rained!
My towel put for dry is drenching in rain water but i dont care.
It rained!
Ah, spent a great deal of time cleanin the entrance to my room and its most prolly a wasted effort now, but i dont care.
It rained!

Definitely calls fer a celebration, Grants styles. CHEERS!

William Grants Compatible



Anonymous said...

lol.cleaned entrance to your room? funny la. anyway! does it mean no showering today? :D

Bar L. said...

Wow! I am glad to hear it rained. Will you wish for it to rain here too? I am so afraid of fires.

Thevan said...

anilah! i didnt know what else to call it! but u get the picture dont u. :S
i spent the whole day cleanin.. i even did the LOO.. 1st time ever.. SO yes i did have my shower.

Layla, ah, YES, i will, will, i will.(can u tell i'm xcited u're here!?). anyways...please do keep up the g'work on LCR. ME THINKS its AWESOME!