its real funny how things fall into places in the sickest way possible, just a lil bit too much of a coincidece i must say, and yet here i am, ploddin, contemplatin, on events that took place over the past 2 years.
it's kickin me all over in the face again.
i could only wish, she could taste a portion of the pain i'm goin thru.

tormented, inside out.
Tev, I really know how it feels.
Out of 4 ex-gfs I had, 2 of them cheated on me or left me for another guy so I know how it feels.
But after so many years, I look back and think, I've been a really good boyfriend, I did everything a man should do for his woman. If the girl leaves me just because I am far away from her, then she is too short-sighted.
Time can heal, really. I don't feel anything anymore about those break ups. Instead, I enjoy seeing them being dumped by those guys that they thought was better than me. Cruel?
It's useless now to say "dun feel sad", "cheer up" or shit like that, cause no matter what you'll still feel like shit. Instead, I'm gonna say "be strong" and "time will heal you up" and "dun let this shit affect ur studies" and "drink ur grant when you finish studying, not before studying".
What you fear the most really happened. It can't be turned back. So, do not show them your miserable side. Fight back. I'm just a click away if you need someone to talk to, Thev.
thx ken, very well put words.
well, at least i saw it comin, albeit the denials made.... or watever it is...n still, it's not makin it any easier fer me. its simply overwhelmingly sad to know that these ppl take me fer a sucha fool. i'm really bummed @ that fact. but hey, whoever said ppl have to be nice.
like u said la ken, 'be strong', dunno how to just yet, but i'm sure i will someday. in time mi fren, in time.
macha, i dont know if u realise it, but i'd have to say(and i will try n not sound too gay), that these words u throw @ me, its very much consoling and kinda made me feel better as i read it. thx macha, appreciated it.
will click on u mi fren, but i'll TRY n spare u guys of the spillout, fer if i keep doin it, i'll never move on. thx again man.
long distance relationship is really hard to maintain n that's true... the relationship will only continue when both of u really trust each other or else its just going to the end...
hhmmm... but now i cant c any problems between ren n i... mayb cuz we communicate a lot n we try our best to maintain the relationship... of course, we quarrel a lot too... (mostly cuz of the bitch!!) it wont harm, but speaking out wat in our minds... n the latest quarrel is that when i just moved to semenyih... he was too sensitive n too worry bout me (well, that time i went out almost every nite for yamcha... too hungry... lol~~)we r quite sensitive to each other...
well, telling the truth that im not really confident with the relationship i had now... not cuz of the long distance relationship or watever shit... is just tat i lost my confident in guys... sorry dudes... but this apply to lover only, not frenz...
i did had a really bad... nope in better word, is worst relationship in my life... still, i blieve there's true love... but i don have confident... funny n silly...
i can give my bf a lot of chances whenever he made sth wrong or watever... even he wont gimme a chance... well, no problem for me... but i wont give u chance anymore when i c that u r not getting right, start to cheat on me... i hate to b cheat again n again... well, i might b not perfect, but i did try to b a good gf for u, y dont u?? i don think this guy is worth for me to continue the relationship n i just dump him...
however, if u think that u r being a really good bf, but she still leave u... that's not ur fault... just she doesn know how to appreciate u... u will find someone who appreciate u a lot... don b sad for a fading love... looking forward for a new relationship... gambadeh!!
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