Monday, September 3, 2007

Mother Nature's Lil Practical Joke

disgusted at the sight of this grotesque creation?, blame Her.
lol.. i SWEAR to u, this pic wasnt edited in any way! this tree stands just a few metres away fr mi room.. ROFL.. and everytime i go out fer a smokes, i cant help, but to wonder, exactly wat did mother nature had in mind, givin this poor thing an 'ever lastin' boner? or is it? hmmm.. ponder on mi frens.. ponder on.


KStan said...

Thev, did u try sticking ur blue arse up the boner?

Thevan said...

haha..nope..not really..but.. there is anotha tree close gotta see it..will upload the pic wen possible, NOW..that one is tempting !! lol..

KStan said...

Try jacking it off and see if there's tree sap coming out afterwards

Anonymous said...

well...a fren told me she saw this pics before in an email.. :( now, i haf to put miself in the pics to prove her wrong. maybe wen i do just dat, i'll try n give it a good hj. lol. we'll se wat happens then.


NottyAngelWen said...

lol~~theva did u ever c any gal "bj" to the boner?? lol~~!!!

Anonymous said...

one word -- "disgusting"

Thevan said...

lol..sicko la u, jia wen..haha n ye, yuan, preety gross out dy ey !

KStan said...

Eh, the bird seems circumsized. Did you do it thev?

KStan said...

All i ever did was removing it's balls, i didn't circumsize it.

NottyAngelWen said...

lol... u should take the pics with ur head there, theva... haha~~!!!

KStan said...

Thev's head + pic = dickhead

Thevan said...

lol .. will do ..if it make u guys happy :|

sharanya said...

I love Mother Nature! :)