"it's hard. we all go thru shyts like that in the course of our lives. why hold on to it, and waste precious resources when u can channel them to aid your studies. use this fckd up feeling in you now, re-direct it, use it to power the desire to succeed." -refundable tin can-
i am just learnin to get back up on my feet. Slowly, but surely pickin up mislef and just maybe, i'd be mi tru loser-self again. think i'm making the progress i've initially intended to make. sigh.. with that said, i shall be off to bed now and put this erratic mind at ease.

Puts another unit into a fitful slumber, filled with horrifying nightmares. If that unit is disturbed while it slumbers, the disturbing unit comes under the effect of Nightmare.
dnd, or u might have to face the consequences.
Refundable tin can...
Even I myself find it hard to channel those fuckd up feeling to where it's supposed to be. But life is life, what's the meaning of it without challenges?
Just a bump in the road of life. Let's work hard together to face it.
tru dat. workin on it..
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