A friend once said something ingenious, and i quote "different lvl, different friends. only those who are true friends will remain in ur life forever. those who are not worth it will be filtered as time passes. loosen up. dun torture urself with such thoughts. its not worth it." in an effort to console me. How much more true could he have been. thx macha.
It's times like this, when all i wanna do is to sit, sip on The Grant's Family Reserve, with a smokes in between my fingers; and ruminate, evaluate, and reflect on the events i've encounterd through out mi fckd up life. It is indeed, the time to GrOw Up!
I'd like to use this post as an oppurtunity (cos it'd be so gay to say it to yur face innit!), to xpress my gratitude to my friends and family for their support and understanding ways. Greatly appreciated peeps.
Dota Talk:

DarkTerror, the Faceless Void, his awesome 3rd skill, the backtrack.

Backtrack ,Whenever damage is recieved, Faceless Void moves a moment back in time to try to dodge that damage. Can backtrack both physical and mystical attacks.
may the future treat me better,
you sound like you wanna suicide or sumthing liddat thru those thanks you're giving. dun do something stupid macha.
it'll be over soon. time will heal.
lol..yea wor.. never realised it lookd like dat until u brought it up. lol.. it does seem like i'm givin my last words to every one there ey... lol.
nah..aint that stupid, got a family that fckin loves me, got very well 'filterd' frens, and dota and.. err.. alot more la.
indeed, time will heal. i just hope i dont take mucha of a time to heal up. i miss home !!
I tryin my best la dey. Me 2 wanna come home..have some good food,good time...dota-ing...sighh....hope cn make it.
p/s: Hope u accepted the fact and be yourself nw. Get well soon from this miserable accident.Good luck macha.
accidental? machaaaa.. i still find it hard to believe it must have been accidental. how cud anyone have not anticipated tis so calld accident? i just dun get it la..
neways, i am still in the process of gettin it over with, n my family and frens gives me that much more of a reason to move on. with that said, i just can't fckin wait to go home, n nasi lemak my ass off!!
Probably u got me wrong.Wat I meant by accident is it happenned unexpectedly? Did I used the wrong word?Sorry if so.
chill up dude... i cant c im any better than u... a campus life with nth, cant open blogspot n update my blog, going to start my project soon (the students from year 1 alrdy started their projects n im getting bhind!!), msn oso is blocked n using useless meebo to chat... i really miss the lifestyle in subang... i miss my home too.. i miss my mom's cook...
u changed it...good move i guess, chin up it's not the end of the world...Rain won't last forever
Hi theva,
I am touched to see my name being mentioned.Though you dont know me well,u truly appreciate my friendship.I am glad to know you,buddy!
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