I simply couldnt wait to post tis one up. We were there, at AJ Hackett,Cairns, a bungy haven, initially to accomodate Yvonne's crave, err....come to think of it, i don't remember how i got myself into it. It must haf been Jon(Yvonnes' hubby), whose insinuative ways, always gets me into doin stupid stuffs.. or rather, crazy stuffs. That, coupled with the stuffs/feelings i went thru over the past few months, 'perfect combo' i shud say!

2. The climb to the tower, platform fer the leap, was physically exhausting and it was much more of a 'how long till i get there' instead of me freakin out abt the jump.
3. Once i'm done with the seemingly never endin flight of stairs, lol, twas just then it hit me, 'wtf am i doin up here'... ahha..serious!!, and to haf to wait fer the rest to take the plunge, the faces, the freaking out, the screams, the 5,4,3,2,1, bungyyy, did not help a bit. :(
8. Nxt up, like a sea captain that's forced to walk the plank, made my way to the edge, somehow got a quik glance of a sticker they had up there somwhere that read "Why Live On The Edge When You Can Jump Off" and before i could really digest what it said, i heard a voice, so nonchalantly goin; 5,4,3,2,1 bungyyyy.
9. Tryin my best to recall how it'd felt; just as i leaped, the world seemd to have stoppd spinnin fer a good sec, and the seconds after couldnt go any faster until the cord was fully stretchd. aaaahhh man, n the rebound only gets better!
100. Got back on my feet and walked away like a new man, SIMPLY AWESOME! TOP SCALED, EXHILARATION !
(notice that 4-7, 10-99 had been skipped. U'll simply haf to be there, doin it!)
I can't wait to go again. I'm definitely gonna be goin again, hopefully with the company of Vicky, and, if anybody else wanna tag along...say ..Thines?, c'mon, hit me/vicky with a msg. It aint finalised, but it'd be sumtime early next year.
lol, if i had to say sumthing that sums up to how i felt, thru out the whole ordeal, as how thines/vicky wud put it 'singam thatti elluperran' which literally translates to 'pokin the lion out of its slumber'.
YES. I get it now, "why live on the edge when you can jump off".
I so wanna bungee !!!
Definitely something u need balls to do...
It really sound so cool wen u told me in the phone n gt even excited wen i saw the clip.Cant wait to do it bro.I would lk a package with unlimited jump...hahaha.Hope ur next jump wil b wit me....
Imma bigballd ey!!
sure is fun man !! u bet! it'll fckin be de unlimited one.. we jump off bicycles and trolleys, do the runnin roof, back dive. pendulum... or if u like, we cud do the gay jump, 'tandem' also known as 'lover's leap' lol..
that's really cool
always wanted to do that...
i guess 1 fine day lah...
happy to c u r enjoying it :)
WE should go to Cairns one day and you gotta hook me up with that crazy shit!
Walao Tev has finally grown up...fuyoo can really take a fall huh??
the sad part is tat is ur fucked up shorts...
change it la...damm sexy..
good good come back to m'sia..i'll whop ur blue arse...
i also wanna bungee jump.. sobsob.. so much fun...
Yo!! Props for the heads up!! DEY, I watch from below and this guy was like bulleting like SUPERMAN down into the water.. But a little bit more will kena the water already.. Nvm, all in all, well jumped! Do it again. Break a leg!!
And for snorkelling, must do again too, especially for something so much easier said than done lol..
lol, guys!!...lets all go on one same fckin day and monopolize that place la. sigh.. wish they had a bungee jumping site tere !!? sweat not, cos the the instructor told me sumthing bout goin to malacca next moth/week fer an extreme activity thingy or sumthing,and they'll be setting up a bungy tower or sumshyt like dat!
don't miss out on it guys !! its a to-die-for fall w/out the dying, made possible by team, AJ Hackett! check them out!
*mordred, we shall, we shall do it again. and maybe, we cud try para-sailing and sky diving nxt!!!
WooOOOoo-HOOooOOOo !!
thev! thats sooo cool.. ur hair and all.. hehe.. u didnt even hesitate to jump!! born to bungee~
Holy Mother of God!!! I had GOOSEBUMPS just watching.
You have some balls, my man.
HELL yEAH !! thx fer the comments guys, making me feel more like a man !!!! lol thx !.. let all do it together man...awww damn...i'm fckin addicted to that rush !!!
*oooh..n thines, lol.. if i'm not mistaken, that was a canny comment right there !! lol if it is, kudos man ! appreciate it ! love ya thines
Wahlawei... I came back to the blog to watch it again, but got goosebumps thinking of the vid. I don't dare to click play!
The only way you'll get me to do that is if you chuck my dead body off a cliff.
damn damn damn~~!!! i wan i wan!!!! cool!!!!!
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