This show is spposedly inspired by a book. Or shud i say a series of books? Like wtf la weyy, this is like those books, forgot what its called, i think VSU or Summervale-dale or sumshyt like dat(the ones an 'assuntarian' 15yr ol school girl in the mid 90's will spot as an accessory - no offense to those who did) makin it big in the TV industry. LOL. I'm zippin my gap hereof. Sensing a nasty feedback fr a fren on this. Seriously, i meant no offence!
It has a lil of The OC, Tree Hill thing goin on. Ye, seriously, how does one sit thru OC ?! Okie, okie, *takes a hard sip of whisky, Grant stylez* wat made this show a tad more appealin to me, were, the lil hints of Californication(A highly recommended watch), as well as the cast, the
Allow me to sum it up in a nutshell; Gossip Girl. is very much cliched with the one too many tv shows on tv,(along the lines of OC that is) i'd reckon you cud afford to pass. Really, if u gonna be askin me if its a recommended watch? I'd say, Hell NOo! unless of course, if you haf absolutely ran out of options! On a sec thot, maybe dun take my word fer it, try watchin an episode, or two, see if u might like it.
*downloaded Chuck(tv show) till ep8. will be watchin it in abit, after my brekky maybe. LOL sighs, I MISS the brekky NASI LEMAK, the ol skool ones that comes with less than a quarter telur rebus and wrapped in banana leave and brown paper! Sighs, lol, how i remember, i'd never fail to go "iyoo makcikk, tambah lagi la makcik!".
fckdp fri mood
I know a few friends who would disagree with you. Haha, fans of the OC, OTH, Gilmore Girls, those kinds of shows.
I for one, couldn't be bothered to take the time to follow those sitcoms/series/whatever you call it. I'd watch for the babes though. XD
Uhh.. i miss the Nasi Lemak i used to have every sunday. They gave a WHOLE egg! And the sweet sambal wasn't all that hot. YUM!
hahha.. shaun was it?
thx fer the comment..
lol, ye, the babes in these shows are undeniably HOT eh!
wat do u mean the nasi leamk u 'used' to haf? DAMN, i really miss it...sighs
"i think VSU or Summervale-dale or sumshyt like dat(the ones an 'assuntarian' 15yr ol school girl in the mid 90's will spot as an accessory - no offense to those who did"?!?!?!
its SVU! lol. summervale dale!??! lol..freakin funny shyt la!!! its sweet valley la! assuntarian here! *cough COUGH!!* as insulting as this is, so darn funnnayyyyy!!! n quite bimbo. :P
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