I was havin my usual Grants Family Reserve while packin up my stuffs and i realised i had alot of loose papers, consistin of notes, reminders, bills, receipts bank statements and stuff. Ye, so i ransacked the entire bunch to make sure i wanst ditchin anythin important and i came across something totally unexpected. Sumthin i thot i already got rid of. I was wrong, and already being half intoxicated, alochol worked its 'magic'. I cudnt do anything much after that. Just sat down on the pile of clothes on mi bed and layaned the jiwangness. I cud've used some companionship, but none were avail, LOL, and ye, you guessed it, the next best thing to a companion, is alcohol. Or so i thot.
The more alcohol i downd, the more blu i got, so i decided to put the session to an halt, fer the time being. Rolled one up, lit it up smoked it up, and still no gettin rid of the bluness, so here i am ramblin thru the write as a last resort. I must say, bloggin is definitely therapeutic. I'm feelin much better already. Thots of nasi lemak replace the sorrow, the white lemak'd rice, bright red sambal, the liquidy yolk of a mata kerbau, funny how they call mata kerbau the sunny side up, innit? the kacangs and a chicken breast goreng fer that exta oomph!
*LOL, watch me digress :)

OOh nasi lemak, tak lama lagi until i fckin fck u up! Just u wait! Man, i fckin love nasi lemak! I miself failed to recognize how much i was into nasi lemak when i was back home. Took it fer granted you can say.
A typical Thevan order; "Anne! nasi lemak onne, nasi kasi tambah, sambal taruh lebih sikit, telur kasi mata kerbau" takes a sip of the pre-ordered teh tarik, and continues, "anne, ayam goreng oso la, gimme nice nice fat fat one k!". Damn.. stomach growlin dy.
The best thing about malasysia mi friends, is the food, and the language. Both oso can kasi rojak baik-baik punya!
The politics however, is in dire need of a reformation. Hope things go well down there, for a better Malaysia.
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We are researchers at the University of Texas and University at Buffalo working to better understand people's blogging behavior, and you are an ideal candidate to help. We would like very much to hear from you, and would greatly appreciate your time and willingness to respond.
Without your help, this kind of research would be impossible.
Please take a few minutes to read and answer the questionnaire on our research Web site: http://omega.uta.edu/~cyjang/blogsurvey/. It should take about 10 minutes of your time, and your answers will be very valuable.
Your identity will be protected because responses will be coded to provide anonymity; No personal names will be used. Of course, this is voluntary- by completing the survey you give your consent to participate. If you have any questions about the study or the questionnaire, please do not hesitate contacting us at your convenience. In the near future, we will be happy to share our results with you.
Thank you.
Chyng-Yang Jang & Michael Stefanone
Chyng-Yang Jang
Assistant Professor
Department of Communication
University of Texas at Arlington
P.O. Box 19107
Arlington, Tx 76019, USA
cyjang AT uta DOT edu
(+1) 817-272-4142
Michael Stefanone
Assistant Professor
Department of Communication
The State University of New York at Buffalo
359 Baldy Hall
Buffalo, New York 14260
ms297 AT buffalo DOT edu
+1 716-645-2141
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