Enjoy your
Aaarggghh!!! Why is it so fckin hard to get started on studies? All i have to do is, stop ruminating on a certain matter, and to actually sit and start doin something academic, n not see jargons. So why is it so hard to?
The reason, i think, is bcos, i've procrastinated and bummed just a lil bit too much that it has became the norm. aahh, YES, i admit. I've been treatin the recess as if it was a holiday; dilly-dallying my way through, doin nothin closely related to school. I've been a real 'shyt' these past few days, or, mo like weeks actually. I havent had a decent bath since i came back fr cairns last week, hardly touchd my 'organizer', ffs, i dun think i've even laid mi eyes on my calculator fer more than a week now! i hate it! i fckin hate the vagabond lifestyle i'm growing accustomed to! Help me someone, shoot me, lets end it all here, right NOW.
Haaiih.. nobody wants blood in their hands now, do they? Ye. totally understandable. So, here i am goin all Dr.Phil on miself, tryin to justify this phase i'm goin thru. I've settled for a number of 'excuses', with heartbroken being one, but i think i'll be opting for the more 'cool' sounding QLC, Quarter Life Crisis. Ye. Its a rather recent( say 5-10yrs?) idea, and i find it so downright true!, and, if u dont have any idea wat's all the goo-goo-ga-ga on QLC is abt?, check this out -->QLC
Agree? I have the feeling i'm not the only one in this boat, then again, it might just be a wishful thinking.
n.b.; Yuan, its 915pm already la.
i've had a friend who kept askin me, wat tis n tat stands fer and i've come to realise that the abbreviation and lingo used may be unheard of to some, so here's a lil help, as far memory gets;
wtf- wat the fck
ftw- fck the world
cbf- can't be fckd
ffs- for fck sake
mch- ma cau hai
cb- cibai
dulan- ask a chinese friend
Start studying now!!! its 9.30pm ady.... or else hahah... im gonna give you surprise.....
hahaha...i doin, i doin..
sigh.. but..lazy la yuan..
haij=hzz.. okie okei..stop complaining dy..
getin my arse on it !
Bikin sama lu punya revision ni masa,jangan lu kasi sama sesal nanti hari.tak ade guna punya!!!kasi force force n kasi letak lu punya buntut atas tu kerusi n buka tu buku kasi belajar.tu sikit jam juga susah...sudah kasi force force belajar sikit...nanti tak ade susah.automatic jugak lain kali!!!
iyoo encik!!! saya tau la, tapi ar encik.. say ingat, haiih.. lagi baik kalau say tak hidup lagi la... haiih.. manyaaak susah la encik..
okie okie..say tau..ni saya manyak komplen jugak, mau mati, tapi takut mati, so, kalau sudah takut mati, mau hidup la. kalu mau hidup bagui bagui punya, mesti la belajar. kan? kan? haih.. okie okie..sikalang saya pigi kasi buat kerja sikit la k. tima kasih sama lu punya komen la encik ...
saya hati sama lu. muahhhxx.
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