26th November 2007;
Just made an arrival at the Sydney Airport. My next flight, to Malaysia that is, departs tommorow, the 27th at 1255pm. So, ye, i'm stranded here fer anotha 18hrs, down with 2 options, either get miself an accomodation here fer the night(prolly, Backpackers) or to hang about in the aiport. Being the cheapskate i am, your bet yur blu arse i'd be opting for the latter. Its not gonna be that hard i reckon, or at least, i hope. I've got The Power Myth to help me kill some time, plus, so many pretty faces wherever i turn. Cuci mata until eye sore dy. Ohh, and did i mention the free internet service? LOL.
Sydney is awesomeness! Seriously! So many pretty faces, so many asians and the people are so nice. Earlier, i had to take a train to the international airport from the domestic airport, and the train, get this, was a double decker! How cool is that?! To be in the subway platform watchin the train slowly swooshing to its stop, with not one, but two layers of hot figures and pretty faces
lookin out at you, or actually, the platform itself, which of course, is the blatant truth.
Wish i could've gone to the city and check out more of this place, *winks* if u know wat i mean, but to do that all alone, NOT FUN. I wish i had Vicky or Thines, or anyone fer that matter, to be travellin with. Its really a bore to be alone in a city thronging with beauites and have no one to nudge when one walks past.
I've gotta bid this station goodbye for now. There's a GORGEOUS lookin thang waitin to use the internet and i'd hate miself if i made her wait any longer. I shall be the perfect gentleman and offer her my spot.
Ye,will do that!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Nasi Lemak - An Alcohol Induced Entry
Tip~ Never consume alcohol when you are feelin all blu. It does sumthin to you. It forces 'dust to get in the eyes', instead go chocolates, or nasi lemak!
I was havin my usual Grants Family Reserve while packin up my stuffs and i realised i had alot of loose papers, consistin of notes, reminders, bills, receipts bank statements and stuff. Ye, so i ransacked the entire bunch to make sure i wanst ditchin anythin important and i came across something totally unexpected. Sumthin i thot i already got rid of. I was wrong, and already being half intoxicated, alochol worked its 'magic'. I cudnt do anything much after that. Just sat down on the pile of clothes on mi bed and layaned the jiwangness. I cud've used some companionship, but none were avail, LOL, and ye, you guessed it, the next best thing to a companion, is alcohol. Or so i thot.
The more alcohol i downd, the more blu i got, so i decided to put the session to an halt, fer the time being. Rolled one up, lit it up smoked it up, and still no gettin rid of the bluness, so here i am ramblin thru the write as a last resort. I must say, bloggin is definitely therapeutic. I'm feelin much better already. Thots of nasi lemak replace the sorrow, the white lemak'd rice, bright red sambal, the liquidy yolk of a mata kerbau, funny how they call mata kerbau the sunny side up, innit? the kacangs and a chicken breast goreng fer that exta oomph!
*LOL, watch me digress :)
This pic is ripped off a previous post.(clik to read)
OOh nasi lemak, tak lama lagi until i fckin fck u up! Just u wait! Man, i fckin love nasi lemak! I miself failed to recognize how much i was into nasi lemak when i was back home. Took it fer granted you can say.
A typical Thevan order; "Anne! nasi lemak onne, nasi kasi tambah, sambal taruh lebih sikit, telur kasi mata kerbau" takes a sip of the pre-ordered teh tarik, and continues, "anne, ayam goreng oso la, gimme nice nice fat fat one k!". Damn.. stomach growlin dy.
The best thing about malasysia mi friends, is the food, and the language. Both oso can kasi rojak baik-baik punya!
The politics however, is in dire need of a reformation. Hope things go well down there, for a better Malaysia.
Fer a read on wats the fuss is all about, subscribe to;
I was havin my usual Grants Family Reserve while packin up my stuffs and i realised i had alot of loose papers, consistin of notes, reminders, bills, receipts bank statements and stuff. Ye, so i ransacked the entire bunch to make sure i wanst ditchin anythin important and i came across something totally unexpected. Sumthin i thot i already got rid of. I was wrong, and already being half intoxicated, alochol worked its 'magic'. I cudnt do anything much after that. Just sat down on the pile of clothes on mi bed and layaned the jiwangness. I cud've used some companionship, but none were avail, LOL, and ye, you guessed it, the next best thing to a companion, is alcohol. Or so i thot.
The more alcohol i downd, the more blu i got, so i decided to put the session to an halt, fer the time being. Rolled one up, lit it up smoked it up, and still no gettin rid of the bluness, so here i am ramblin thru the write as a last resort. I must say, bloggin is definitely therapeutic. I'm feelin much better already. Thots of nasi lemak replace the sorrow, the white lemak'd rice, bright red sambal, the liquidy yolk of a mata kerbau, funny how they call mata kerbau the sunny side up, innit? the kacangs and a chicken breast goreng fer that exta oomph!
*LOL, watch me digress :)

OOh nasi lemak, tak lama lagi until i fckin fck u up! Just u wait! Man, i fckin love nasi lemak! I miself failed to recognize how much i was into nasi lemak when i was back home. Took it fer granted you can say.
A typical Thevan order; "Anne! nasi lemak onne, nasi kasi tambah, sambal taruh lebih sikit, telur kasi mata kerbau" takes a sip of the pre-ordered teh tarik, and continues, "anne, ayam goreng oso la, gimme nice nice fat fat one k!". Damn.. stomach growlin dy.
The best thing about malasysia mi friends, is the food, and the language. Both oso can kasi rojak baik-baik punya!
The politics however, is in dire need of a reformation. Hope things go well down there, for a better Malaysia.
Fer a read on wats the fuss is all about, subscribe to;
Friday, November 23, 2007
Not So Shytty Friday
Fridays. Haiih. Suprisingly this friday was not really that bad on me. Truth to be said, i don't really hate fridays as bad. Just that, certain events that took place in mi life had forced 'newfound' hatred to it. Ye, but like anything, i shud be able to get over it, in time.
Earlier today, i made a few purchases fer mi family back home. I don't usually get gifts fer ppl, but almost a year down in this shythole, i kinda felt obliged to get sumthing fer mi folks and three bros back home.
Amma and Appa - got them both a matchin pair of cups. It reads 'MUM" and 'DAD' respectively and each has a jiwang message in the inside of the cup.
Aravind- got him a whisky flask. An empty one mind you.
Ganesh- he's got a JimBeam bag. Awesome in black and red.
Navin- 5 hot wheels, 2 classic muscles, 2 pimped-outs and a Chevy SUV.
Friends- assorted bumper stickers and prolly ciggies and thanny wen i'm at the duty free shop.
Mi room internet is down. Opted to use the comps in the campus lab instead. Its not the same as writin in mi room. There's just sumthing way too cool bout havin a glass of whisky by mi side to accompany me thruout the post ala Hank Moody(Californication). Cool la. LOL. Awesome feel to it.
Today, i did sumthin i've always wanted to do. Try and learn to play the guitar. Never thot it'd be so hard, no worries tho, i had and will have the privilege of having Ken to guide me thruout. Sifu Ken is actually not at all bad handlin one of thems(obvious apple polishin eh!). Ye, after discussin bout my future free lessons and stuff, him and the rest planned to head to Huat's house fer a swim. AAAhhh..and wasnt i glad that i tagged along. The highlight of the day was prolly havin three of mi frens lift me up hi and cannon me foward towrds the far end of the pool. AWESOMENESSS!, twas definitely an intense adrenaline rush. Aah, and the day with the buds ended with a splash, quite literally.
Found out sumthing bout Ken today, he's got this 'theme song' thing goin on, i didnt know he was into this song that much. Get this, he plays this song alot, if u were walk up to his lappie, u'll notice the media player is most prolly playin this song, wen the phone rings, its this song again and heck, if u were to ride with him in his car, ye! u'll be greeted to this song.. again! LOL. Crazy fck!
Off to packin now, LOL, packin up has never been more fun!
Gonna be gigglin all the way back to mi room!
Nasi Lemak! Here i come!
Earlier today, i made a few purchases fer mi family back home. I don't usually get gifts fer ppl, but almost a year down in this shythole, i kinda felt obliged to get sumthing fer mi folks and three bros back home.
Amma and Appa - got them both a matchin pair of cups. It reads 'MUM" and 'DAD' respectively and each has a jiwang message in the inside of the cup.
Aravind- got him a whisky flask. An empty one mind you.
Ganesh- he's got a JimBeam bag. Awesome in black and red.
Navin- 5 hot wheels, 2 classic muscles, 2 pimped-outs and a Chevy SUV.
Friends- assorted bumper stickers and prolly ciggies and thanny wen i'm at the duty free shop.
Mi room internet is down. Opted to use the comps in the campus lab instead. Its not the same as writin in mi room. There's just sumthing way too cool bout havin a glass of whisky by mi side to accompany me thruout the post ala Hank Moody(Californication). Cool la. LOL. Awesome feel to it.
Today, i did sumthin i've always wanted to do. Try and learn to play the guitar. Never thot it'd be so hard, no worries tho, i had and will have the privilege of having Ken to guide me thruout. Sifu Ken is actually not at all bad handlin one of thems(obvious apple polishin eh!). Ye, after discussin bout my future free lessons and stuff, him and the rest planned to head to Huat's house fer a swim. AAAhhh..and wasnt i glad that i tagged along. The highlight of the day was prolly havin three of mi frens lift me up hi and cannon me foward towrds the far end of the pool. AWESOMENESSS!, twas definitely an intense adrenaline rush. Aah, and the day with the buds ended with a splash, quite literally.
Found out sumthing bout Ken today, he's got this 'theme song' thing goin on, i didnt know he was into this song that much. Get this, he plays this song alot, if u were walk up to his lappie, u'll notice the media player is most prolly playin this song, wen the phone rings, its this song again and heck, if u were to ride with him in his car, ye! u'll be greeted to this song.. again! LOL. Crazy fck!
Off to packin now, LOL, packin up has never been more fun!
Gonna be gigglin all the way back to mi room!
Nasi Lemak! Here i come!
Thursday, November 22, 2007
The World Stands Up
I'm having the most lethargic of nights, ever! Only bearly able to write.
Exams are just over. I am pretty sure i fckd up all 4 of mi papers. Enuff said.
Lets instead rejoice in the magic of laughter, watch on Papa CJ, comin from the land of Kamasutra, he can fck the Brits in more ways than they could count. LOL. Awesome standup, lovin it.
Exams are just over. I am pretty sure i fckd up all 4 of mi papers. Enuff said.
Lets instead rejoice in the magic of laughter, watch on Papa CJ, comin from the land of Kamasutra, he can fck the Brits in more ways than they could count. LOL. Awesome standup, lovin it.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Life Flashed Before Mi Eyes
Today, i did sumthing bad. I could swear it was the workings of that lil red dude with horns, a tail and a pitchfork seated on my left shoulder. Sigh. I very much detest this part of me that gives in easily to a certain sin. Its not like i've never tried strappin miself to the virtuous ways. I have, but, ye, i sppose he got the best of me... again.
When i got home, i took a quik sip of whisky, off the bottle and dropped on my bed, shut my eyes tryin hard to empty my mind of the sinful act i've just commited. But just then, fragments of my life flashed before my eyes. What had been, what's becomin, what's gonna be; all in a matter of seconds. I must say, i did not like it one bit. I am 26 la now, fer cryin out loud! I shud be able to say i've done this and that, or at least, denote on being almost settled.
Sighs. Even with mi eyes closed, dust still finds its way in.
I'm sick and tired to always fall prey to this me. For once, i wanna look at miself in the mirror and say, 'Thevan, u did good, u sure did! U THA MAN!". It's a luxury i've yet to experience in this phase of mi life. I feel like.. actually, i know i've failed so many, either directly or indirectly. I can only say, i'm sorry. I'm sorry i let u all down.
Home is just 8 days away now. The excitement of goin home is slowly flakin, and am beginin to have doubts on whether i shud go home. The option on the other hand is to stay here, in this shythole and work mi blu arse off in a farm(end-yr gig). A gig that pays well, or so i've been told, close to 3.5k AUD in 6 weeks. 6 weeks of mental and physical torture. Would i be man enough to throw away my flight ticket and heed to this 'oppurtunity' or will i just chicken out, like how i've always done. I've got less than a week to find out.
~For now, Thanny jugak.
When i got home, i took a quik sip of whisky, off the bottle and dropped on my bed, shut my eyes tryin hard to empty my mind of the sinful act i've just commited. But just then, fragments of my life flashed before my eyes. What had been, what's becomin, what's gonna be; all in a matter of seconds. I must say, i did not like it one bit. I am 26 la now, fer cryin out loud! I shud be able to say i've done this and that, or at least, denote on being almost settled.
Sighs. Even with mi eyes closed, dust still finds its way in.
I'm sick and tired to always fall prey to this me. For once, i wanna look at miself in the mirror and say, 'Thevan, u did good, u sure did! U THA MAN!". It's a luxury i've yet to experience in this phase of mi life. I feel like.. actually, i know i've failed so many, either directly or indirectly. I can only say, i'm sorry. I'm sorry i let u all down.
Home is just 8 days away now. The excitement of goin home is slowly flakin, and am beginin to have doubts on whether i shud go home. The option on the other hand is to stay here, in this shythole and work mi blu arse off in a farm(end-yr gig). A gig that pays well, or so i've been told, close to 3.5k AUD in 6 weeks. 6 weeks of mental and physical torture. Would i be man enough to throw away my flight ticket and heed to this 'oppurtunity' or will i just chicken out, like how i've always done. I've got less than a week to find out.
~For now, Thanny jugak.
quarter life crisis,
william grant
Monday, November 19, 2007
First Kiss - An Experiment Gone Awry
To do's/know's; before u continue reading;
1. READ BEFORE CONTINUIN' <---- CLICK N READ 2. I am NOT gay. 3. I am NOT bi. 4. I am NOT the slightest inclined to the same sex. Sexually. 5. NO, NOT in D E N I A L, NOT gay! 6. This post is up here cos i still think wat happened was way cool! Disgusting, but cool! 7. And FUNNY! or disgust *dependin on the angles u approach with. 8. I am NOT homophobic. Really. Read 1.
Okie, *sighs* Continue only if u've acknowledged all 8's above.
So here it is, the tale of mi first kiss. Twas a nice evenin, put aside the fact we were all stressed out fer xams, oh, come to think about it, maybe the nights occurrence were a lil influenced by the stress. LOL. Ye, so it happend in the Inti Subang concourse and the video below is actually a take-2 with a very, VERY sick twist.
We were takin a break from studies, talkin bout random stuffs n sumhow ventured into the topic of 1st kiss, and, how it's be sad if one were to suddenly pass on without having xperienced a 1st kiss. LOL, and, ye, mi bigmouth let slip that i have not xperiencd a 1st kiss and, that, silenced the crowd fer abit. When silence passed, the talk continued, centerd upon me.
I was obviously uneasy and feelin very much uncomfortable at this point and one thing led to another, and i dont remember how but Jay sumhow insinuated they do me a favor by lettin me xperince the thrills of 1st kiss. Like WTF la weyy, a man-man kiss, or shall i say a 'gay kiss'!. Fck! totally not how i've imagined to be de-virginised of my 1st kiss! But the crowd were too overwhelmed with the idea to actually deny me of it, plus, Khoo, being as crazy as he always has been, cudnt wait to get a piece of me all fer the sake of gettin blanja'd a meal @ Asia Cafe.
It took em a while to get me agreein to this, but like i said, the crowd were not in mi favor, and i eventually agreed, ONLY IF there were no tongue involved. It happend. There, right there i lost mi first kiss to a crazy fck and just wen i thot the nightmare ended, they decided twas not enuff it ended like dat. Jay and the rest wants it documented. For fck sake, so there, TAKE-2(the video).
Since the 1st was just a mere peck, i easily agreed to the second, but Khoo got hi on adrenaline, with the crowd cheerin on n wat not, decides to take it to the ultimate and stick his tongue into mi mouth.
FCKKK ewww. Ye. Tottaly eww. Blek'd.
Much later that night, i recapped on the events that occurred earlier. And I justified to myself that what happened was perhaps not too bad after all, twas an experiment, eh? Ye, sure was!
Many may think that what I did was unacceptable, but I don't! I'm not in the least ashamed of what happened (obviously). On the contrary, I'm actually proud that I had the guts to actualize something, well, as CRAZY as this.
I'm gonna use this as the perfect opportunity to thank The BC's, Jay and the rest of the posse for the best of times i've had over in Subang! LOL. And the DotA times were AWESOMENESSSSS too.
So here u go the VIDEO; Be warnd that this video is not fer the faint-hearted. Those with sensitive gag reflexes, get yur gag-bag ready!
There. Go ahead and be disgusted!
yess, there's a reason why the dimensions were reduced :)
*1st kiss count - 7
1. READ BEFORE CONTINUIN' <---- CLICK N READ 2. I am NOT gay. 3. I am NOT bi. 4. I am NOT the slightest inclined to the same sex. Sexually. 5. NO, NOT in D E N I A L, NOT gay! 6. This post is up here cos i still think wat happened was way cool! Disgusting, but cool! 7. And FUNNY! or disgust *dependin on the angles u approach with. 8. I am NOT homophobic. Really. Read 1.
Okie, *sighs* Continue only if u've acknowledged all 8's above.
So here it is, the tale of mi first kiss. Twas a nice evenin, put aside the fact we were all stressed out fer xams, oh, come to think about it, maybe the nights occurrence were a lil influenced by the stress. LOL. Ye, so it happend in the Inti Subang concourse and the video below is actually a take-2 with a very, VERY sick twist.
We were takin a break from studies, talkin bout random stuffs n sumhow ventured into the topic of 1st kiss, and, how it's be sad if one were to suddenly pass on without having xperienced a 1st kiss. LOL, and, ye, mi bigmouth let slip that i have not xperiencd a 1st kiss and, that, silenced the crowd fer abit. When silence passed, the talk continued, centerd upon me.
I was obviously uneasy and feelin very much uncomfortable at this point and one thing led to another, and i dont remember how but Jay sumhow insinuated they do me a favor by lettin me xperince the thrills of 1st kiss. Like WTF la weyy, a man-man kiss, or shall i say a 'gay kiss'!. Fck! totally not how i've imagined to be de-virginised of my 1st kiss! But the crowd were too overwhelmed with the idea to actually deny me of it, plus, Khoo, being as crazy as he always has been, cudnt wait to get a piece of me all fer the sake of gettin blanja'd a meal @ Asia Cafe.
It took em a while to get me agreein to this, but like i said, the crowd were not in mi favor, and i eventually agreed, ONLY IF there were no tongue involved. It happend. There, right there i lost mi first kiss to a crazy fck and just wen i thot the nightmare ended, they decided twas not enuff it ended like dat. Jay and the rest wants it documented. For fck sake, so there, TAKE-2(the video).
Since the 1st was just a mere peck, i easily agreed to the second, but Khoo got hi on adrenaline, with the crowd cheerin on n wat not, decides to take it to the ultimate and stick his tongue into mi mouth.
FCKKK ewww. Ye. Tottaly eww. Blek'd.
Much later that night, i recapped on the events that occurred earlier. And I justified to myself that what happened was perhaps not too bad after all, twas an experiment, eh? Ye, sure was!
Many may think that what I did was unacceptable, but I don't! I'm not in the least ashamed of what happened (obviously). On the contrary, I'm actually proud that I had the guts to actualize something, well, as CRAZY as this.
I'm gonna use this as the perfect opportunity to thank The BC's, Jay and the rest of the posse for the best of times i've had over in Subang! LOL. And the DotA times were AWESOMENESSSSS too.
So here u go the VIDEO; Be warnd that this video is not fer the faint-hearted. Those with sensitive gag reflexes, get yur gag-bag ready!
There. Go ahead and be disgusted!
yess, there's a reason why the dimensions were reduced :)
*1st kiss count - 7
Keep It Real
Sometimes, no, most times, its best to confront and get both sides of the story rather than stickin to the one u wanna believe in. If u really wanna know the content, ask and u shall receive.
With that said, i excuse myself from this mess i got into, if i may.
With that said, i excuse myself from this mess i got into, if i may.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Gossip Girl - TV

This show is spposedly inspired by a book. Or shud i say a series of books? Like wtf la weyy, this is like those books, forgot what its called, i think VSU or Summervale-dale or sumshyt like dat(the ones an 'assuntarian' 15yr ol school girl in the mid 90's will spot as an accessory - no offense to those who did) makin it big in the TV industry. LOL. I'm zippin my gap hereof. Sensing a nasty feedback fr a fren on this. Seriously, i meant no offence!
It has a lil of The OC, Tree Hill thing goin on. Ye, seriously, how does one sit thru OC ?! Okie, okie, *takes a hard sip of whisky, Grant stylez* wat made this show a tad more appealin to me, were, the lil hints of Californication(A highly recommended watch), as well as the cast, the
Allow me to sum it up in a nutshell; Gossip Girl. is very much cliched with the one too many tv shows on tv,(along the lines of OC that is) i'd reckon you cud afford to pass. Really, if u gonna be askin me if its a recommended watch? I'd say, Hell NOo! unless of course, if you haf absolutely ran out of options! On a sec thot, maybe dun take my word fer it, try watchin an episode, or two, see if u might like it.
*downloaded Chuck(tv show) till ep8. will be watchin it in abit, after my brekky maybe. LOL sighs, I MISS the brekky NASI LEMAK, the ol skool ones that comes with less than a quarter telur rebus and wrapped in banana leave and brown paper! Sighs, lol, how i remember, i'd never fail to go "iyoo makcikk, tambah lagi la makcik!".
fckdp fri mood
gossip girl,
nasi lemak,
Friday, November 16, 2007
Exam Fever
4 xamz = 2 allnighter + 1 dwn the drain + 1 nxt week = 3 unpleasing results + 1 err
Instead of deciding that the last one goes err, i shud start buckin up tommz onw, shudn't i?
Instead of deciding that the last one goes err, i shud start buckin up tommz onw, shudn't i?
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Get Up Dammit!
I fell. And before i got up, there's this huge boulder placed over me when i was still layin on the ground. Its way too heavy. A lil too much fer this measly being. I know, i know, i shud haf gotten up earlier. Sighs. Shud've been quik to get back up on mi feet to avoid times like these, sighs, like i said, too mucha a weakling i am, and ye, it is mi all i haf to blame.
Only time can tell if i'd sum up enuff to embrace it, or, if it will just flatten me, and the sick thing is, i'm actually enticed by the idea of being squished under a massive rock. Can u say masochism? Freakish eh? LOL. Speakin of masochism, err... wait, lets leave it at this fer now. I'll post up an entry on it in due time.
Gotta go hit the books now, exams in 14 hrs time, and i've only done the 'flickin thru the pages' stage. Sighs. AAARRrrrGggggGGGGHHHhhhhHHHhh. Imma damned.
Only time can tell if i'd sum up enuff to embrace it, or, if it will just flatten me, and the sick thing is, i'm actually enticed by the idea of being squished under a massive rock. Can u say masochism? Freakish eh? LOL. Speakin of masochism, err... wait, lets leave it at this fer now. I'll post up an entry on it in due time.
Gotta go hit the books now, exams in 14 hrs time, and i've only done the 'flickin thru the pages' stage. Sighs. AAARRrrrGggggGGGGHHHhhhhHHHhh. Imma damned.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Rally For A Change, In Malaysia
Malaysia made the international news, for all the wrong reasons. Oh, and Moon just blurted out that it din make it to the local news. Sighs. Watch On!
Friday, November 9, 2007
Ye, its a blardie Friday again. Fckin hate it! Sighs. I shall whine no more.
C'mon now, lets watch the man, Cas Haley do his thang. Simply awesomenss. The u-tube clips below, are snippets from yet another reality talent 'searchin/findin' show named America's Got Talent - AGT (a spinnoff from BGT, i reckon) and Cas here, came in second, after another awesome talent, Terry Fator, a ventriloquist. LOL. I know, i know, right about now u must be goin, like WAT THE FcK! LOL. Can't blame u there, but u oughta check him out too, also awesomeness!
All in all, twas an okie show i sppose, but there was this one lil thing that botherd me tho; its the fact that David Hasslehoof is amongst one of the judges, and a regular at that! Sighs. Maybe its just me. Actually, NO! I dont get it, y him? errr.. well, neways, good on him.
~ Walkin On The Moon
Diggin it? Here's mo.
~ Higher And Higher
~Red, Red, Wine Ft. UB40
~ Sir. Duke
~ Easy(Sunday Mornin)
~ Can't Help Fallin In Love
*roll it up, light it up, smoke it up*
C'mon now, lets watch the man, Cas Haley do his thang. Simply awesomenss. The u-tube clips below, are snippets from yet another reality talent 'searchin/findin' show named America's Got Talent - AGT (a spinnoff from BGT, i reckon) and Cas here, came in second, after another awesome talent, Terry Fator, a ventriloquist. LOL. I know, i know, right about now u must be goin, like WAT THE FcK! LOL. Can't blame u there, but u oughta check him out too, also awesomeness!
All in all, twas an okie show i sppose, but there was this one lil thing that botherd me tho; its the fact that David Hasslehoof is amongst one of the judges, and a regular at that! Sighs. Maybe its just me. Actually, NO! I dont get it, y him? errr.. well, neways, good on him.
~ Walkin On The Moon
Diggin it? Here's mo.
~ Higher And Higher
~Red, Red, Wine Ft. UB40
~ Sir. Duke
~ Easy(Sunday Mornin)
~ Can't Help Fallin In Love
*roll it up, light it up, smoke it up*
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Deepavali Nal Vazthukkal
In the spirit of Deepavali, i present to u 2 of the many Petronas ads that will surely stand the test of time. Well, i never get tired of watchin it! ova n ova again!
Haihs, wud love to write more, but i'm emotionally drained atm. Lets just haf a watch of these ads and reminisce of the good ol M'sian times shall we. I know i will.
*The latter of the 2 clips above is based on a real incident, lol, seriously, i am not kiddin u! Remember readin the papers about it. If i'm not mistaken, sumwhere in PJ near La Salle High School, err.. or was it Samad High School? I am not sure, do correct me if i got it wrong.
Before i take my leave, i'd like to wish u all A Very Happy Deepavali!
Anaivarukkum En Iniya Deepavali Nal Vazthukkal!
~treated miself to more clips, emo-ing dy now :'(
Haihs, wud love to write more, but i'm emotionally drained atm. Lets just haf a watch of these ads and reminisce of the good ol M'sian times shall we. I know i will.
*The latter of the 2 clips above is based on a real incident, lol, seriously, i am not kiddin u! Remember readin the papers about it. If i'm not mistaken, sumwhere in PJ near La Salle High School, err.. or was it Samad High School? I am not sure, do correct me if i got it wrong.
Before i take my leave, i'd like to wish u all A Very Happy Deepavali!
Anaivarukkum En Iniya Deepavali Nal Vazthukkal!
~treated miself to more clips, emo-ing dy now :'(
Friday, November 2, 2007
Change - Attempt 1
Well, yea its another fckin fckin Friday. YES, i do have issues with Fridays. Many view Fridays as the propitious day of the week, heck i used to too, but ppl change eh!
How does one change actually? Come. Come and ponder along with me abt this 'change' fer a bit. Exactly what drives this 'change'? Are we changin in order to adopt to the surroundings? times? ppl? Sighs. There's jus too many variables and possibilities(lets spare the thots of 3021 fer a while shall we) thats contributional to this matter. "Change is so pervasive in our lives that it almost defeats description and analysis." Won't u agree?
When i began writin this write i was most ascertained that this wud prolly be my best, or rather, most intelligent of entries, but boy oh boy was i wrong. Like always, especially on Fridays, i stupefy miself alot as i drift further into mi write. I tend to get err.. Patrickified(thats the pink starfish on SpongeBobSqrPants). Ye, it's intensified by an approx 5% with every hour countin. Haha. Ye, i was tryin to be intelligently funny there, lame eh. Ye. I rest my case. BLEK.
I'll haf to xcuse myself now, for almost 6hrs has elapsed since i began this write and i lost the impetus. LoL. NO. It doesnt take me 6 hrs to put together a post. I had 2 frens who were in need of company that i needed to attend to, plus a Christmas dinner. Also was tryin to multitask, and if it wasnt obvious enuff, ye, like many of mi fellow martians,i am not built to comprehend such competency. BLEK.
To do:
The next time u r in a shower, or taking a dump, ponder, dig deeper, on how much u think have u changed over the past coupla yrs, or months, or weeks or days, OR even as the second passes by? Watever triggerd these changes? Were the changes fer the better, or was it fer the worse?
Sighs. On a second thot, maybe u shud pass. Why dwell on sumthing u can't change? errr.. did i just come up with an irony there? LoL. Sighs. Fckin screwd up la miself. Better run now, but not before i leave u with a song recommended by the ever lovely Sharanya.
A haf to listen song! U'll love it, i reckon!
DAMIEN RICE - "Rootless Tree"
What I want from you is empty your head They say be true, don't stay in your bed We do what we need, to be free And it leans on me like a rootless tree
What I want from us is empty our minds We fake the thoughts, and fracture the times We go blind when we've needed to see And this leans on me, like a rootless...
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you And all we've been through I said leave it, leave it, leave it There's nothing in you And did you hate me, hate me, hate me, hate me so good That you just let me out, let me out, let me out Of this hell when you're around Let me out, let me out, let me out Hell when you're aroundLet me out, let me out, let me out
What I want from this Is learn to let go. No not of you Of all that's been told Killers re-invent and believe And this leans on me, like a rootless...
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you And all we've been through I said leave it, leave it, leave it There's nothing in you And did you hate me, hate me, hate me, hate me so good That you just let me out, let me out, let me out Of this hell when you're around Let me out, let me out, let me out Of this hell when you're around Let me out, let me out, let me out Hell when you're around Let me out, let me out, let me out Hell when you're around Let me out, let me out, let me out, let me out Let me out, let me out, let me out, let me out Let me out, let me out, let me out
Fuck you, fuck you, love you And all we've been through I said leave it, leave it, leave it It's nothing in you And did you hate me, hate me, hate me, hate me so good That you just let me out, let me out, let me out, let me out Let me out, let me out, let me out, let me out Let me out, let me out, let me out, let me out Let me out, let me out, let me out Let me out, let me out, let me out Hell when you're around Let me out, let me out, let me out Hell when you're around Let me out, let me out, let me out Hell when you're around.
How does one change actually? Come. Come and ponder along with me abt this 'change' fer a bit. Exactly what drives this 'change'? Are we changin in order to adopt to the surroundings? times? ppl? Sighs. There's jus too many variables and possibilities(lets spare the thots of 3021 fer a while shall we) thats contributional to this matter. "Change is so pervasive in our lives that it almost defeats description and analysis." Won't u agree?
When i began writin this write i was most ascertained that this wud prolly be my best, or rather, most intelligent of entries, but boy oh boy was i wrong. Like always, especially on Fridays, i stupefy miself alot as i drift further into mi write. I tend to get err.. Patrickified(thats the pink starfish on SpongeBobSqrPants). Ye, it's intensified by an approx 5% with every hour countin. Haha. Ye, i was tryin to be intelligently funny there, lame eh. Ye. I rest my case. BLEK.
I'll haf to xcuse myself now, for almost 6hrs has elapsed since i began this write and i lost the impetus. LoL. NO. It doesnt take me 6 hrs to put together a post. I had 2 frens who were in need of company that i needed to attend to, plus a Christmas dinner. Also was tryin to multitask, and if it wasnt obvious enuff, ye, like many of mi fellow martians,i am not built to comprehend such competency. BLEK.
To do:
The next time u r in a shower, or taking a dump, ponder, dig deeper, on how much u think have u changed over the past coupla yrs, or months, or weeks or days, OR even as the second passes by? Watever triggerd these changes? Were the changes fer the better, or was it fer the worse?
Sighs. On a second thot, maybe u shud pass. Why dwell on sumthing u can't change? errr.. did i just come up with an irony there? LoL. Sighs. Fckin screwd up la miself. Better run now, but not before i leave u with a song recommended by the ever lovely Sharanya.
A haf to listen song! U'll love it, i reckon!
DAMIEN RICE - "Rootless Tree"
What I want from you is empty your head They say be true, don't stay in your bed We do what we need, to be free And it leans on me like a rootless tree
What I want from us is empty our minds We fake the thoughts, and fracture the times We go blind when we've needed to see And this leans on me, like a rootless...
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you And all we've been through I said leave it, leave it, leave it There's nothing in you And did you hate me, hate me, hate me, hate me so good That you just let me out, let me out, let me out Of this hell when you're around Let me out, let me out, let me out Hell when you're aroundLet me out, let me out, let me out
What I want from this Is learn to let go. No not of you Of all that's been told Killers re-invent and believe And this leans on me, like a rootless...
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you And all we've been through I said leave it, leave it, leave it There's nothing in you And did you hate me, hate me, hate me, hate me so good That you just let me out, let me out, let me out Of this hell when you're around Let me out, let me out, let me out Of this hell when you're around Let me out, let me out, let me out Hell when you're around Let me out, let me out, let me out Hell when you're around Let me out, let me out, let me out, let me out Let me out, let me out, let me out, let me out Let me out, let me out, let me out
Fuck you, fuck you, love you And all we've been through I said leave it, leave it, leave it It's nothing in you And did you hate me, hate me, hate me, hate me so good That you just let me out, let me out, let me out, let me out Let me out, let me out, let me out, let me out Let me out, let me out, let me out, let me out Let me out, let me out, let me out Let me out, let me out, let me out Hell when you're around Let me out, let me out, let me out Hell when you're around Let me out, let me out, let me out Hell when you're around.
Damien Rice,
quarter life crisis,
Yet another occurrence that strengthens my mom's case(her insistin on me stayin in this shythole).
Below are links to blogs that had coverd this issue;
What Kavilan had to say.
What Lulu had to say.
What Tony Pua had to say.
What Mahen had to say.
What Augustine Mofie had to say. (This blog here has a video encrypted in it. Watch On)
If things go the way it is now, we might just see a new government. Good thing. No?
Below are links to blogs that had coverd this issue;
What Kavilan had to say.
What Lulu had to say.
What Tony Pua had to say.
What Mahen had to say.
What Augustine Mofie had to say. (This blog here has a video encrypted in it. Watch On)
If things go the way it is now, we might just see a new government. Good thing. No?
Thursday, November 1, 2007
The Power Of Myth

LoL. Haha.. took me a while till i noticed eh. Sighs.
Neways, i wanna start reading again. The very nxt book i'm gonna get miself, The Power Of Myth, greatly recommended by a friend. If u happen to haf a copy, lemme know kay. :)
Fck dota, YEAH!
*Just For Laffs: Click here fer a man's answer to every question a women ever asks.
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