Wednesday, December 31, 2008
"Can U Feel My Stress?"
That aside, here, i'd like to share this somewhat amusing vid.
Let me warn u tho, u might feel inclined to kill yurself if u choose to watch this vid. Over and over again. Even mo so wen this self proclaimed 'famous' celeb does a Michael Jackson's 'My Girl'.
Note: U've been fairly warnd. Hit play if u insist on watchin.
Yes, i sat thru the video. Squintin my eyes, grittin my teeth in disbelief thru the whole 3 minutes and i can only ask,
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Say What? Gay Time?
U'd ask, ish, wats so queer abt that?
I'd say, not so much fer what its made up of but very much fer what its called!

Now, where else in the fckin world wud u find sumthin like this! And get this, when it comes to ice-creams here in Australia, the Golden Gaytime are like the best sellin ones!
If that doesnt tickle yur funny bone, at the bottom of the multipack(if u hadnt already noticed), it reads, 4 delicious chances to have a Gay Time!
Imagine all the cheap laffs u cud have with this thing!
Macha, lets go have a Golden Gaytime! And FCKIN 4 chances at that!
Macha, i had an Golden Gaytime las night and twas AWESOME!
Ah, hilariousnesss!!!
Hear Yee, Hear Yee
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Brutal Kill +90pts
Some of yous prolly think its a cruel thing but really, spare a while to think about it. This thing grows. Imagine it growin any mo bigga, crawlin up on you while u're unsuspectingly asleep. What if it bites? What if it spews out lethal juices right at yur face? Wudnt wanna wait till anything like dat happens now, wud we!
So we, actually Ken, the retired God Of War took matters into his own hand or rather, his 'Blades Of Athena', resultin in the death of the quite possibly deadly monster. It was indeed sheer brutality!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
I Ask Myself
It doesnt matter how many fckin times i've walkd in and out of that maze of wretchdnes, it still proves impossible walkin out of it unscratched.
Ah crap.
U'd ask, why allow yourself to go again?
I'd say, i'm drawn to those darn bright fckin lights!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Here, haf a listen; (be warnd tho, it might have the same effect on u, just maybe)
Monday, November 10, 2008
Behind TT's Scenes 001 : TT getting married, too bad girls...
Well, I have arranged a marriage for TT. I found a girl who would accept TT as he is and I acted as the matchmaker and things worked well. I hope everyone who is reading this will be a witness for this beautiful and meaningful event.
The girl is Jewelberry and she is also an author in my brog.
Here is a sneak preview of the courtship. At the end of this post there will be a link to download the entire transcript.

For those who have secretly admired TT... well, perhaps you will want to consider others at this point. Let us wish TT and Jewelberry all the best!
Download it here! File Size: 30kB onlyyyy. This file is not tempered with in any way! It's as original as it can be.
Truth is, I am kinda having trouble contemplating plans for bashing TT. I will appreciate it if everybody can give me a little support by sending some bashing ideas to me @ This has to be done in order to make TT's Bashing an on-going series!
I will be very very grateful.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
TT Bashing 001: "Fucker, this is damn gay la, duwan la..."
Hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed making it. Now I got to go back to the white board for the next bashing scheme.
Awesome Sunday
(it's jus a min long.well worth watchin. and yes, me made the vid)
On a separate note,
I'm gettin a free CD (yes, FREE)! Hope its the Warren Zevon one, and not the Boz Scaggs. Either way! Happy happy! Thx Layla!
But, its neither the TopGear scene, nor the free cd the reason i'm on cloud 9 today tho. It is mainly becos i've made an acquaintance, even friends maybe, with the author of LCR. I've been a passive reader of her blog ever since i stumbled upon em and over the months, she kinda gained an idol status in my books for her excellent taste in music, informative bits and intelligently choreographd trivias! simply.., no its MUY EXCELLENTA! I haf utmost admiration for her(and the likes of her) for reviving the names and sounds that have been long forgotten. SALUTE.
p.s. Hope that din come off as a plug, i just love these people so much. Thats all there is to it!
On anotha seperate note;
Ken insists he cud do me shame by just writin about stuff i do everyday. I quote him;
"To all TT's supporter! HAAHA! BEWARE! Tonight, I will start posting about TT's personal life and blunders in this blog! Stay tuned! I will keep posting until TT strips me off my author status."
Eh, I dont really think thereismuchtofretabout but i'd like to see him try neways. So yeh, keenly waitin on Ken to write.
till thens,
Saturday, November 8, 2008
It Rained
My shoes are soakin in rain water but i dont care.
It rained!
My towel put for dry is drenching in rain water but i dont care.
It rained!
Ah, spent a great deal of time cleanin the entrance to my room and its most prolly a wasted effort now, but i dont care.
It rained!
Definitely calls fer a celebration, Grants styles. CHEERS!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Wish It Rains
If u know me better, u'd prolly know how much i hate havin showers, or a bath.
If u knew me much better, u'd know i dont shower regularly. Yeh, yeh its a disgusting thing to many, or even obnoxious, but lemme tell u, it really isn't so. Reaaally.
I'm aware u fellas may be skeptical of me sayin such, and i dont expect u fellas to understand. AND that is literally why i do my part and try to have a shower atleast once every 2 days, so please, PLEASE DO NOT gimme 'the look'. Neither do u have to stand metres away from me!
U'd ask, u do know this is no good fer yur esteem(or watever thats left of it) dont u, so why blab much?
I'd say, tru dat. Well, i'm tryin to make a point.

Its a FUCKIN HOT day! SO FCKIN warm here in mi room(nope, no ac unit) even with my windows wide open, and havin a stand fan on full blast isnt doin much help either!
U could run an oil blotting paper thru mi face, wring out the oil and use it to deep fry a whole chicken. Thats how fckin warm and stuffy it is.
Ah, then get this, i have had 3 showers already! FCKIN THREE TIMES just today! A personal record! and am still contemplating on havin anotha go....
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
For The Hungry Souls
U'd ask, really?
I'd say, hit play!
Bob Dylan - If You See Her Say Hello
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Hit The Wall Did I
Here's a lil sumthin bout my group mates. They were easily the 2 best lookin thing in that class, and nice. But havin to repeat miself so many fckin times, its frustratin, and even if they did get me, say on the 10th time, the actual message doesnt get interpreted adequately. Hence, forcin me to ridiculous hand gestures. *hands u a loaded gun*
Yes, it's tru that i am generously 'treated' to cleavage action everytime we met, but, these girls - they make me feel so incompetent that it's almost impossible to appreciate those sweet lookin curves at that given situation. Even mo frus!
Troubles with design subject, coupled with the communication breakdown, fuh, tormenting i tell u! Almost lost it, but lucky sanity kicked in and i got to excuse miself in a proper fashion.
I wish that was the end of it, but alas there is mo, there's the fckin assignment that has to be done tonite.
If the smokes not gonna kill me tonite, then i predict, this assignment will.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Complex Simplicity, Simple Complexity?
Some people are built with such violent complexity, others with delicate simplicity, and of the most beautiful kind, some stand with complex simplicity.U'd ask, these mythical creatures, ones that are so sacredly complex yet so simple. Do they still exist?
They peer into mirrors, loving themselves; the deeper and socially acceptd form of vanity.
Selfish mirrors u cud say.
Mirrors that aren't used to reflect off others' light or grey but instead only to speak the truth of whosoever peers into them.
I'd say, u tell me!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
AC/DC - Black Ice
*wipes sweat off forehead*
(click on img)
p.s. got hookd on *insert action here*! bleh. blame the bimbo.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Nasi Lemak Oh Nasi Lemak, Di Mana Ngkau

Nope, makin sweet love to Paz Vega wasnt it, instead, i was havin an all-u-can-eat, nasi lemak spree, gobbling up one pack after another.

Seriously. I have to have one. The good ol' malaysian nasi lemak, topped with sambal(chilli paste?), sprinkles of ikan bilis(fried anchovies) and kacang(fried peanuts), complemented with telur mata kerbau(sunnyside up fried egg) and ayam goreng(fried chicken-the greasier the better). I'd sell my soul anytime now for a serving!
U'd ask, No nasi lemaks there?
I'd say,
Yes, they do have nasi lemak here in this shythole, but it doesnt taste as good, not even close, not by long shot, plus, it costs AUD16++ which shud equal to an approx RM45. For a plate!

The roti canai however is much more decent, a poor substitute to the ones back home, but it will work as long as u dont mind the AUD15 price tag.

Sunday, October 12, 2008
Mother Nature's Lil Practical Joke - Revisitd

i SWEAR to u, this pic wasnt edited in any way! this tree stands just a few metres away fr mi room.. ROFL.. and everytime i go out fer a smokes, i cant help, but to wonder, exactly wat did mother nature had in mind, givin this poor thing an 'ever lastin' boner? or is it? hmmm.. ponder on mi frens.. ponder on.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Kunkka - Admiral Proudmoore
-Power Threads
-Battle Fury
-Sange & Yasha
And i stress, yet again, this is only my idea of a preliminary build for him, and of course items should vary, considerin yur opponent's heroes. Go Black King Bar if u have casters on the other side, or Assault Cuirass to enhance tanking. Radiance to push all the way. And the usual yadda yadda. Common sense should help.

Of all the allies in the Sentinel's ranks, only one, is known by as many names and is feared in as many lands. Called Capt. CoCo by his mates, Jacksparrow by others, The Legendary Mariner by some. but only a select few, know his real name and what it stands for. He can harness the powers of the depths to conjure torrential geysers that blast his enemies into the air. His elegant blade is sworn to the Seas and with each mighty swing it ebbs like the tides. Using a watery form of spacial magic, he can bring you back to your original destination. The Captain now sails towards the Scourge lands, aboard his Phantom vessel boosting the spirits of his comrades with his fabled Rum, paving the way for the victory of the Sentinel. He is Kunkka, Master and Commander of the seven seas.

As for youse who have a real life, u might wanna check this out;
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
DotA Allstars v6.55

Just when i thot i'll ditch DotA fer abit, conveniently comes along the new version, v6.55.
This new version or more aptly, new map is simply NEW! Really, it isnt an overstatement, it is indeed new in every sense of the word! Its almost like startin all over and it should take a while to adopt, even fer an experiencd DotA warrior!
They've crazily reworked on this version. It is insane! Everything changed, the terrain, most of the recipe build and lotsa hero skills has changed. Keeper of the Light is now way more decent, if not much better. Neways, click -->here<-- to view the complete changelog. Massive innit!
New items and new heroes too. YEHHH! 2 new heroes and i playd one of them today, Kunkka, Admiral Proudmoore (named after a singaporean artist on deviantart bearing username kunkka). I must say, he is indefinitely one of the more entertainin heroes to use. Imma lovin his "X-marks the spot", skill loads atm.

Updates on new heroes soon, along with prelim item builds ;p
Gotta run now,
Friday, September 26, 2008
C'mon Now!
-->click to read AZAIG's post<--
Report lodged against Teresa Kok for insulting egg
KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 24, 2008) : The Seputeh Umno Youth division lodged a police report today against Seputeh MP Teresa Kok, claiming she had insulted the Royal Malaysian Police and the egg, which is an essential food of the underprivileged.
The division’s deputy head Alawi Dahalin and several other members lodged the report at the Brickfields police station.
Alawi said he had heard Kok complain about the food she was given while detained under the ISA, at a press conference at the DAP headquarters in Petaling Jaya, shown on the night news on TV on Sept 20, a day after she was released from custody.
He said Kok had said the food she was served was "fit only for dogs".
"By saying this, she had insulted the police and the poor. Eggs are an important food for low-income earners and the poor. As an elected representative of the people she should not have said that," he said.
Updated: 11:19PM Wed, 24 Sep 2008
Excerpted off
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008

Here is just a few of what many had to say bout this gorgeous being and her work;
"Sharanya Manivannan is a writer of boldness, the body and its blood, an elemental singing of dark luscious desires, an erotic, sexual woman's voice. Bless her torch-like tongue." –Mông-Lan, author of Tango, Tangoing: Poems & Art.
"Full of raw passion and a daring fire, these poetic declarations are attuned to the lessons of Indian myths and stories, reclaiming them in that age-old battle for an empowered womanhood." - Cyril Wong, recipient of the 2006 Singapore Literature Prize.
"Sharanya Manivannan's work of literary art is not for those who are looking for daffodils and rolling green landscapes. She strips a woman's psyche to the bare bones and is fearless in portraying men and women as they really are. They are not popular, these 'opinions' but she goes to the roots of man's neuroses, fears and desires. Sharanya is an intuitive writer to be watched." - Dina Zaman, author of I Am Muslim.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Hey Ya Cover
Imma lovin it.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Thevan Is Zero!
That aside,
allow me to bother you with this;
Why is that, even when warned that the pot is hot, you still touch it?
Why do it when you already know its gonna hurt?
Do you have this un-conscious want to self inflict pain?
Can you say masochism?
Monday, August 25, 2008
Quittin Smokes
Here i am today in another attempt to quit. Today is my 1st smoke free day - technically not yet a day, but yeh..
Its a lil too early fer a progress report, so i'll skip that and leave u with this;

U'd ask, what do u do usually, during breaks?
I'd say, .....
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Sayin 'Tak Nak'

Yeh, yeh, i agree, we smokers are all talk wen it comes to the whole quittin ciggies drama, but i've had a fair share of friends and family, most prominently my grandad, who were able to shy away from indulgin to the addiction.
Its different this time. Dont ask me why or how, but i am sumhow convinced i might actually be able to restrain miself from pickin up a styk, come tomorrow. Yes i know, what happens tomorrow is uncertain but try and bring yourself to concur with me on this will ya? I have a real strong feelin that this time, i'll be able to pull thru.
You'd ask, why tomorrow, not today?
I'd say, i still have that 4 styks left on mi box!

For yous who has already quit, plannin on quittin or at least givin it a thot, write in. I'd love to hear from mi fellows.
Yes Ken, lets all board on the 'Tak Nak' chariot!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Hey Joe,
Cutting down on ciggarettes is like living in a glass cage where the walls are closing in..walls which are cushioned with boxes of 20's..and when they get close enough, fucka i doubt i'll be hesitating reach out to light up a whole 20's ..all 20 at once..!!..for when I crash, I'll crash and burn.....i got miself anotha 'last box', yet again.
for when I crash, I'll crash and burn.....
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Well, i wasn't too. I was completely oblivious to this matter until las night, wen i stumbled upon ShadowFox's Hideout (y it's called hideout wen it's pingd on petalingst, i dont know) and came abt some real juicy bits - gossip wise.
I know its rude to intrude and poke mi nose on other ppl's business, but I am a M'sian, and a KL one at that! Can u really blame me fer bein the Keatpoh?
But then again, its the price one has to pay wen one achieves the 'celeb' status, or, when one 'romantically' acquaints oneself to a 'celeb', agree?
Okie, i'm not gonna elaborate much for the fact,
* I'm not well informed
* There's too many other blogs that gives insights.
on the aforementioned matter.
If u are intrigued, then click on, -->THIS<--
It very well might be a summary and the actuals may have been a lil downplayed but its a good place to start. Bleh. If u r left unsatiated, then go crazy googlin. Be warnd tho, its bloody crazy out there, sharp claws and fangs everywhere, be wise, stay and watch from the stands.
*more? click -->HERE<-- (must read comments)
keatpohchi - nosey parker, busybody
Don't Look Back In Anger
Well, i can safely say Oasis's Don't Look Back In Anger is most prolly one of them songs and if u were to run thru any 26 yr ol's playlist, i'm pretty sure u'll find them in there.
Ye, so y bring this up?
Ken referrd me to this youtube clip, a fella that plays under the name, ortoPilot, doin the acoustic cover, Don't Look Back In Anger and damn, it left me stupendified. This fella just made an awesome song even mo aweosme. Much much mo awesome!
A well worth watchin clip. Simply magical, simply euphoric.
Its almost like havin a well rolled smokes, while gettin 'the beast dwn south' suckd on real hard. Aaah, xcuse me for the lousy attempt on analogizing it, but its just that damn good.
p.s. i did say almost...
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Almost felt like i was back home fer abit. Awesomeness.
Here's anotha one of my favs, enjoy!
Monday, August 4, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Tony Stark In The Incredible Hulk

Yes indeed.
Don't let hopes ride hi tho, for its only a cameo appearance. Only fer a few seconds at that, and this time - just before the credits start rollin.
I know, i know, a tv trailer may have somewhat suggested otherwise and in a way may have been a spoiler, but hey, i bet it got many more goin fer the movie.
U'd ask, worth watchin?
I'd say, nowhere near Iron Man, but yes la!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
It's Not Me, It's You

"It's not u, it's me"
Ever had that line thrown at ya? No? Then how about,
"We need to talk"or maybe,
"I gonna need some space fer a bit"
If u've had those lines used on u, then it is most likely it came off a woman. Wont u agree? Call it chauvinism, call it hypocrisy but surely, if you reason, there's a certain extent of truth to it.
Its just that.
When it comes down to women and relationship, i lack the comprehension. I'd say its partly due to the fact i was from an all boys school, but mostly, the way i think of them.
So when my first girlfriend came in the picture, i was already 23. Fast fwding to just a bout 2 years later(LDR is fcked btw, workable, but fcked!) things began to crumble, and before i cud even really digest all that happend, those dreadful words came,
"i need to tell you sumthing before u hear it from anyone else" and i'm darn fckin sure the "it's not you, it's me" was slipped in sumtime after.
Yeh, that felt like crap. The thing is tho, i kinda believed it then. It must have been her fault!
As time passes, as wound heals, i started realizing stuffs, almost like an epiphany if u may and i think i know now - what meant was actually quite the contrary - It's not me, it's u!
Ah jiwangness! This is wat got me writing;
a scene from the Jerry Seinfeld
Monday, July 14, 2008
Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on
And it makes me wonder....
or so they say.
tormented, inside out
Friday, July 11, 2008
Rattletrap - The Clockwerk Goblin
The preliminary idea for a build would go sumthing like this - as for me;
- Power Threads
- Vanguard
- Battle Fury
- Radiance
- Assault Cuirass
I stress, this is only my idea of a preliminary build for him (also see-Puck), am sure he will be nerfd along the way and builds will as always, vary.
Here is his story;
Range: 125
Move Speed: 310
Primary: STR
Str: 24 + 2.9
Agi: 13 + 1.2
Int: 17 + 1.7
Damage: 49 - 51
HP: 606
Mana: 221
HP Regen: 0.97
Mana Regen: 0.69
Attack Speed: 1.48 (+ 13% IAS)
Armor: 4.8
Here are his skills:

Thursday, July 3, 2008
When The Clowns Have Gone To Bed

Ever woke up one day and everything sucked and you become moody and silent and almost nuthin can be done to please you? Friends asks you if you're ok, and pulls off sum stunt in an attempt to cheer you up, but instead, puts you at an even more angry morose state.
And along with that, comes the shytfckd lines that you wish you hadn't said, but felt like twas the right thing to say at that instance.
Everyone is bound to have a day like this. Learn to cope. It's hard i know, but you'll simply haf too.
And, if you're that friend who thinks you can make the world happy with yur antics,
Fckin hell, here's an advice to you jesters, please don't try, give 'em some fckin space. There's really no reconciliation possible! Not until the day is over at least.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Why Do Men Have Nipples? No Answers Here!
I had an exam last Saturday, and i think it went ok. Much better than ok actually, but ye, will see. 2 more papers up nxt week and still yet to start on those two. Haih, wish me luck on gettin started!
Neways, this post was inspired by a weird random thot i had wen i was havin a ciggie break from studies for that Saturday paper. Like always, went out fer a ciggie break topless, and as i was admiring mi 'awesome' physique, mi dark nipples caught mi attention and that mi friends, instigated a coupla questions. Really! Why in the beegeez do i have a pair of nipples? Why the fck do men have nipples? Wtf for?
I could understand why women have them. Obviously, fer us horny blokes to suck on! Owh, and there is babies. BUT WHY THE FCK DO WE MEN HAVE NIPPLES???!!
Clearly this random thot was interferin with my last minute of crampin formulas into mi head. So i did wat any dude in that position would do, i fondld them fer abit (I had to do sumthin!) - just to see if anything happend. Nah, nuthin. Hence i concluded that it had to be some sorta prank played upon us men, by our Creatzors. I left it at that.
Today, after 15 episodes of Simpsons(relevant?), i recalled that thot and did a lil googlin'.. and owhhh, fellas, u'd be, heck, I AM, surprised to know, that it wasnt only i, who have ponderd on that. Here's an excerpt from a site;
"Why do men have nipples? - Great thinkers, from Aristotle to Darwin, have pondered this question."
Are u ponderin still? Scratch yur head no mo! Go google - Why Do Men Have Nipples?
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Real name: Thevandran Thiyagan
Nickname: killaTev
Married: Yes
Zodiac sign: Taurus
Male or female: Male
High school: Bukit Bintang Boys School. Yes u heard me right, fckin all-Boys school.
College: Inti Subang.
Short hair or long hair: Ah, u will haf to be the judge of that! an afro in the making, dreads, sometime in the near future
Are you a health freak?: I smoke, i drink. nuff said?
Height: Average
Do you have a crush on someone?: The girl with the cute boobies in UniHall Room 243.
Do you like yourself?: at times.
Piercings: nil
Right or Lefty: Right
First Surgery: wen i was really young.
First Piercing(s): -
First Best Friend: is now gay.
First Award: an academic one wen i was 7. That was the once.
First Sport you joined: Socca!
First Pet: Rajah, a pretty Golden Mynah
First Vacation: nil
First Concert: nil
First Crush: that hot newscaster on TV3, yr 1990
Eating: Lotsa Shin Ramyun ramen
Drinking: Apple juice, Grants scotch whisky
I'm about to: play Dota
Wants kids: NO! They are menaces
Wants to get married: Already am.
Careers in mind: It really shud be engineering, but, ye.
Lips or Eyes:
Hugs or Kisses:
Shorter or Taller:
Romantic or Spontaneous:
Nice Stomach or Nice Arms:
Trouble Maker or Hesitant:
Kissed a Stranger: Owh Yes!
Drank Bubbles: ????
Lost Glasses or Contacts:
Run Away from Home: Ahah, twice. half a day on 1st attempt and a whole 3 days on the 2nd.
Liked Someone Younger: Yes, y not?
Liked Someone Older: Yes, y not?
Broken Someone's Heart: Yes, y not?
Been Arrested: Yes, y not?
Cried When Someone Died: Yes, y not?
Liked a Friend: Yes, y not?
Yourself: I shud.
Miracles: Ye. I'm one.
Love at First Sight: Yes, but only if she has an awesome pair of tits.
Heaven: No
Sex on the First Date: HELL YES!!!!
Angels: No
Is there one person you want to be with right now: yes
Do you believe in God: Yea
Ah i'm done! Fer a while there, this whole questionnaire seemed never ending.
Monday, June 2, 2008
YES fellas, finals is drawin near, assigmnents and prac reports are due in abit and i'm not doin anything to make it all go away yet. I should start, say, maybe tonight. But, thats exactly wat i said yesterday, and the day before, and the day before that. Damnit, my procrastination habits are beginnin to scare the shyt outta me. Below is just tad of my to-do's;
Told miself i'd quit smokin, and i've had at least 5 'last boxes' ever since. Almost got thru today w/out smokin, but ye, rolled up one just a min ago.
My Medibank Private(student health cover) expired August last year. I've told miself to get it renewd one too many times already. Still, its tuckd in my wallet bearin that same expiry date, 07 Aug 2007.
As for my prac reports and assignments, they've snowballd so massively and i am sumhow convinced that it'll all magically disappear. Just like that, poof, begone now.
Ah, dun get me started on my revisions fer finals.

My darling, Karupayee has to be fixd. Her hard disk crashed like 2 months ago. Wait, I think its the hard disk, cannot be too sure. Well, Vicky will haf to fix it once he comes bck from Malaysia.
OOh and dat reminds me, a quik shoutout to the bitch, haf a safe flight, and fckin have an awesome time dwn there. Gimme a ring every now n then, and also, fill me in on wats up with Thines.
The fckin list never ends. I oughtta get my blu arse back on track and that is what i shall do. Wish me luck!
" Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens. "
Friday, May 23, 2008
Listen To The Fallin Rain
So, who is Paul Ponnudorai?
Paul Ponnudorai’s uniqueness in approaching music is embedded in his geographical roots. Being Malaysian by birth, being of Indian heritage, and being trilingual, Paul represents both as a person and a musician the point of conjunction between East and West. He is a man of rare intelligence, wisdom, and broad knowledge, with a cross-cultural view of the world. Without a doubt these qualities surface in his music, whose origins can equally be traced to Southern India, London and Nashville. It is refreshing to notice how many seemingly unrelated influences can go into Paul’s playing and singing, always in the most spontaneous and sincere way.
Some of Paul's friends and jam partners include Tommy Emmanuel, Tuck and Patti, Winton Marsalis, and many more. His musicianship is well beyond the borders of imaginable, and make him a true legend in the music scene of South-East Asia. Paul lives between Kuala Lumpur and Singapore and has performed all over the world--Australia, New Zealand, China, Europe.
Paul’s love for jazz, country, rock, blues, pop, reggae, and for beautiful ballads, is obvious all through his new release, "Right on Time". So are his talent and his unique voice as a musician.
excerptd from's a u-tube clip to keep u in awe!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Monday, May 12, 2008
Iron Man - Did You Know?
Friends and i went for Iron Man last Sunday and we had lunch just before the movie, at sum place on Gregory St. - C'est Si Bon they call it. I fckin had ROTI CANAI for lunch! How AWESOMENE is that!! ooh.. the down side tho, is i had to pay AUD15 fer a plate, which shud equal to RM45 approx.
Digest that!
Ahh, more on C'est Si Bon's roti canai and nasi lemak next time.
Right now, i'm bummed out for the fact we missed a scene from the movie Iron Man!

Twas at the blardie end of the movie, after the credits!
Damnit, i knew there was sumthing up when people were a lil hesitant to leave while the credits were still rollin!
Haiihs, anyhow, for yous who plan on watchin Iron Man, makes sure u stay glued to yur seat till the very end.
If you have, like us, missed the scene, sweat not, click on the link below for a lousy cinema copy of the scene.
You could always go for the movie again.
Spoiler Alert:
(hint*- SHIELD, Avengers, Nick Fury, Sam. L. Jac.)
xcuse me,
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
The 周末 - II
*updated with pics
Hah! 1st, allow me to explain my last post. I was drunk that night. I know, i know. Why take all the trouble to log in and write a post eh? Well, lemme re-establish the fact that this place is really the shythole i claim it to be. Really. There's nothing much one could do when left all alone here. (friend left me alone with his comp fer a bit while they're sendin the rest home, :p)
That sunday night wasnt that bad tho. It compensated to the lousy week i had, with great company of friends, great activities, great drinkin session, and hey, i even learnt that people - most people in Quanzhdong, China eat almost anything. Girraffes, elephants, bats, cats, dogs, snakes, crocs, pig hooves? and a lot mo. Oh and they can even finish a whole chicken drumstick with no remains. Empty plate, No bones, no nothing! Nada!
Earlier that Sunday, we had the traditional aussie barbie,minus the aussies, followed by an intense game of basketball and twas 'The Cri' for the evening. Now, lemme tell you sumthing about 'The Cri';
I've heard alot about it over the past 1 1/2 years i've been here but have not visited the place, not until last Sunday. 'The Cri' may look like any other pub, with outdoor settings aplenty, pool tables and all that comes along with a pub but, ah, it's foolish to simply assume so, for this pub offers an extra, a bonus. A WET TEE Sunday!
Wet Tee Sunday = whole buncha peeps from all corners of this shythole, packin in a confined space, hungry for some action. Lady volunteers from the floor gets up on stage, gets wet, yummilicious-es herself, strip teases(if they want too only), leaving many, many happy blokes cheering! You may ask, why in the bee geez would any chic wanna go up on stage and parade themselves in sucha manner? Well, here's why;
1. Wild ladies all boozed up. Need i say mo?
2. The winner, judging from the cheers generated from the crowd, takes home a hefty 700AUD, runner-up wins 200AUD.... i think....
The winner that night was some hottie with great moves and a helluva great tits! She fckin deserved that win.
Headed home after that awesome experience, stocked up on booze, gathered up mo buddies, and the night indefinitely began!..